Post your The Best Of Edge Of Sanity Playlist.

In no particular order:

Losing Myself
Across The Fields Of Forever
Black Tears
Until Eternity Ends
Epidemic Reign (from evolution)
When All Is Said
Velvet Dreams

and of course
"Crimson" & "Crimson II"
Dan's list is pretty good.
But I'd say "In The Veins/Darker Than Black" is a must from Unorthodox.
Also I think "The last song" is a killer track, odd but great.
"Elegy" from Evolution is als very nice, but I think Dan hasn't the single tracks from that. He could rerecord it ;)
OK... For me this is a definitive "final" thing with EOS and I originally wanted a single CD, but BMP wanted a double and why not?? The Crimsons will be there. I might end up fitting both of them there on the second CD, in their entirity. I think u can squeeye 83 minutes on one CD these days, right??? There is also a few passages that is more or less fill up that could be edited out to save a few minutes..but all in all...I will try to get as much of them up there as possible...because to me those two albums are what EOS is all about from the 2nd phase. The 1st phase is all about Unorthodox. So.....
I will make a new post.
This thread kicks ass. I actually dropped all of my favorite EOS and N'Gale songs onto my work laptop and made WindowsMediaPlayer playlists.

My EoS playlist goes as such (no particular order):

Darker than Black
Incidence of the Butchery
Until Eternity Ends
Sinner and the Sadness
Hell is Where the Heart Is
Forever Together Forever
Hell Written
Demon I
Not of This World
Bleed You Dry

Crimson and C2 are omitted as they are too friggin long and require seperate listening sessions altogether.
1993 Edge Of Sanity - The Spectral Sorrows
-Blood Of My Enemies

1994 Edge Of Sanity - Purgatory Afterglow
-Black Tears

1994 Edge Of Sanity - Until Eternity Ends
-Invisible Sun

1997 Edge Of Sanity – Infernal - this album is perfect every song is great
Hell Is Where The Heart Is
The Bleakness Of It All
Damned (By The Damned) - 2nd place from this album
Forever Together Forever
Losing Myself
Burn The Sun - the best from the album

2003 Edge.Of.Sanity.-.Crimson.II

2003 Edge.Of.Sanity.-.Crimson.II
-Covenant Of Souls

Edge Of Sanity - Mother (Danzig Cover)
This should be great!

It's going to be hard to seperate tracks from some of these albums though :hypno:

Enigma 7:02
Dead But Dreaming 4:03
When All Is Said 6:52

Spectral Sorrows
Darkday 4:27
Jesus Cries 4:48
On the Other Side 5:42

Until Eternity Ends
Until Eternity Ends 4:01
Eternal Eclipse 2:52

Purgatory Afterglow
Twilight 7:51
Silent 5:05
Elegy 3:58

15:36 4:53
Forever Together Forever 4:26
The Last Song 5:32

And I sort of agree that Crimson should be heard in it's entirety, but I'm sure that if anyone can compile a logical and working "best of" of the two Crimsons that man is Dan Swano, and I look forward to hearing it.