Posters and Name tags...

It's all a matter of taste.

I bought little Salmiakki candy fish from Epcot. Mostly for my mom, as she adores black licorice, and salty things, so I figured "well she'll probably enjoy this." It's the most vile thing I've ever tasted, and she wasn't too impressed with the candy, either.

Definitely an aquired taste!
It's all a matter of taste.

I agree, a matter of taste - but I thought it was nasty.

My second day at work, a co-worker approaches me and offers me some black licorice. I didn't want to be rude, but I tried it - and it was the Salmiakki stuff. Oh... it was horrid! The funny thing was, like a week or 2 later in an issue of Metal Maniacs, one of the interviewers went to Sweden to interview Evergrey and they offered him some of this candy. His decsription was something like "imagine eating tar and washing it down with salt water - only worse."
Here's my picture. I don't have a picture of my dad though, but he'll be the old fart next to me. :lol:


Can't wait!!! Too bad I don't have a picture wearing my BARFest shirt, that'll probably be what I wear one of the nights!
I agree, a matter of taste - but I thought it was nasty.

My second day at work, a co-worker approaches me and offers me some black licorice. I didn't want to be rude, but I tried it - and it was the Salmiakki stuff. Oh... it was horrid! The funny thing was, like a week or 2 later in an issue of Metal Maniacs, one of the interviewers went to Sweden to interview Evergrey and they offered him some of this candy. His decsription was something like "imagine eating tar and washing it down with salt water - only worse."
Yea, and it sticks in your teeth and makes you drool and spit uncontrollably. :zombie: I actually "enjoyed" an evening which included a couple shots of Salmiakkikossu, (and some tar-like stuff called Terva, I think.). Didn't seem so bad at the time, but what's slightly bad going down will be much worse the other way. :ill: Never again.

If you get a photo in that shirt, Prog Please, post again. You have a month.
Where were you eating in London? Everywhere my mom and I ate, the food was fantastic! Even the pub food was really very good. Incredibly fattening, but good. In fact, we even had nice weather while we were there...
Yep, we were in London. I didn't think much of the bad food experience, as England is praactically famous for bad food.

Yep, we were in London. I didn't think much of the bad food experience, as England is praactically famous for bad food.


I was asking WHERE in London. Not if you were there. ;)

Apparently I'm the only one that had good food while in London, which is why I wonder where everyone else happened to be. I didn't have one disappointing dish while on my trip.
I was asking WHERE in London. Not if you were there.

Apparently I'm the only one that had good food while in London, which is why I wonder where everyone else happened to be. I didn't have one disappointing dish while on my trip.
Honestly, no clue. We were there for two full days and nights, wandering around, stopping here and there. We didn't eat at any touristy looking places. We tried to find place that seemed popular, but a bit off the beaten path. We went 0 for 6.

I was asking WHERE in London. Not if you were there. ;)

Apparently I'm the only one that had good food while in London, which is why I wonder where everyone else happened to be. I didn't have one disappointing dish while on my trip.

Nope, you're not the only one. I spent 2 days in London and had a great meal everytime.
Honestly, no clue. We were there for two full days and nights, wandering around, stopping here and there. We didn't eat at any touristy looking places. We tried to find place that seemed popular, but a bit off the beaten path. We went 0 for 6.

My mom and I pretty much ate where the tour guides suggested if we were off on a tour. However, we did find a few places on our own. We ate at two pubs (one a guide suggested) and loved the pub food, and found an Italian restraunt called Gallileo's which was absolutely amazing. There was also a small cafe not far from our hotel which served really tasty food, too. Those are the more memorable places, anyway.

@Stardust: That picture would have been amazing. :lol:
I'll get/post a pic next week after my henna/cassia coloring settles there'll be a ton of people who won't recognize me anyway, now that my hair's much less long and much less red. *g*
OK, here is the same picture as always! We look the same and I'm lazy (and busy).

A-M, what SW program do you use to create the poster? I ask because Barb is trying to create a collage like that for something at our wedding. I have the full Adobe CS4 on my Mac, but I'm graphically challenged and have no idea where to start! Thanks!
