Posters and Name tags...

always the last in line... :oops:

Now I have to find a decent one of me, stat! And *huge* thanks again, Ann Marie--I'm so awful with names that I wouldn't remember anybody's if it weren't for the poster! :loco:

You should use one from Su's party. ;)

Thank you. Can't wait to see you guys either. Wish ya-all didn't live so far away.


I got to see them this weekend. Nah nah! :p
HAHAHHAHAHAH I can bring my AC/DC horns they light up and have more flash options than Pabla's na na na na na na:lol: will have to tell pab's she got some competition! ;-)
I'm frightened now. Please get a hair cut.

But keep the horns.


No haircut! Money's too tight! Maybe after the fest. Hell, get enough people together, and a nice little amount, and maybe I'll allow my head to be shaved! :lol: Glad you're making the trip! See you Wednesday. Do not be afraid! (yet) :Smokedev:
I have a pic all prepared for this poster. Would someone like to host it for me?

Ambr, can I e-mail it to you? Is it too late?

Gosh I'm getting excited.
