pot smoking

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I agree that Hemp should be legalized and used for the production of paper, clothing, etc. But, no good can come from legalizing marijuana for any purpose. Face the fact that marijuana is a drug that cannot be taken in moderation, like alchohol or cigarettes. Though it affects people on different levels, it certainly does give a high that clouds judgment and reality.

Medical marijuana is the biggest farce that Libertarians, Greens, and some Democrats ever came up with. The ONLY reason why politicians are pushing medical marijuana to the legislative agenda is to start the process of full blown drug legalization. Marinol helps to aid some of the discomforts associated with medical treatments and disease, but more improtantly, the FDA needs to be overhauled to allow for the legalization of clinical THC mist that can be inhaled to take full advantage of the benefits, without the dangerous smoke or unpredictable highs associated with natural marijuana plants.

Stay rooted in reality, and stay away from drugs.

kiyardo said:
I agree that Hemp should be legalized and used for the production of paper, clothing, etc. But, no good can come from legalizing marijuana for any purpose. Face the fact that marijuana is a drug that cannot be taken in moderation, like alchohol or cigarettes. Though it affects people on different levels, it certainly does give a high that clouds judgment and reality.

Medical marijuana is the biggest farce that Libertarians, Greens, and some Democrats ever came up with. The ONLY reason why politicians are pushing medical marijuana to the legislative agenda is to start the process of full blown drug legalization. Marinol helps to aid some of the discomforts associated with medical treatments and disease, but more improtantly, the FDA needs to be overhauled to allow for the legalization of clinical THC mist that can be inhaled to take full advantage of the benefits, without the dangerous smoke or unpredictable highs associated with natural marijuana plants.

Stay rooted in reality, and stay away from drugs.


Maybe YOU ARE just weak minded.
Does it sound like I'm weak minded? I don't need drugs to 'strengthen my mind' or to be creative. Given your user name, one could infer that it is YOU who is weak minded because of your need to smoke pot to escape reality or be creative.

Marijuana = a lie
KIYARDO, or is it RETARDO>>>>WHo needs a fuckin drug to strngthen their mind? Who needs pot to escape reality?

hahahah, ive been a pot head for around well, lets see, more than 15 yrs. Its never taken me away from reality. Clouded me up sure, . Never made me more creative, it only makes you stoned. Relaxed, helps settel your BELLY if its feeling weak.

and where do you get off telling ppl they dont need pot, where you do you get off telling ppl they cant control themselves on POT?
WHo made you the professor of drugs and alc? WHere do get off sayin Pot is more uncontrollable than BEER(if thats what you mean)?

And the gate way bullshit, i drank a beer before i ever smoked a joint, and i smoked a cig before i ever drank a beer. There are no GATE, only choices.

Ill just tell ya, BEER fucks your head up beyond control. Smoke all the pot you can, and you will still be more in control than if your drunk. Smoke enough, and you will not even be high anymore. You will not pass out due to the swelling of your brain.

Sure pot slows ya down, but you dont see 5 of each object whilste on POT.

and if beer is legal, and cigs, then why teh fuck cant pot be legal? If you drive drunk, you get a DUI, why not a DUI for Weed, and be done with it.
Just think of teh tax dollars the USA could make if weed was legal. The way it is now, all we are doing is going in the hole chasing the pot heads. Making no ground. Shut teh boarders down, you still have weed floating. Take all teh drug dealers to jail, and you get new ones on the streets. Just likealc pohibition, the government finally figured out it was useless. They finally figureed out that ppl are gonna do it anyway. They finally figured out that they could make tax dolllars by the millions on beer sales. They should consider banning all drugs and alc if pot cant be legal, i mean bann penisilan, asperine, all of them. After all, they are all DRUGS. OHHHHHH...of teh devil. Drugs Devil....D.........

You should be a preacher. Youd fit in well behind a pulpit you would.

Oh, and not to brag, but along with being a pot head for over 15 yrs, i have managed to smoke at least 2 joints a day for yrs, and still retain my own biz, legal biz, and my farm, and bands, etc........now thats reality.

Its cool to have your opinion, but you just stumbled around mixing words that you know nothing about. Or at least your coming across that way.
LIZARD>>>I have all of hunters of books. Im a huge fan. I also haev the film F&LinLV. Good stuff, all his stuff.

NEAL>>>"and they chopped off her head, and took her peniel gland" hahahahaha

"You took too much, too much, TOO MUCH"

"I haaate dope"

"I will lunge this shower rod through your throat...I AM AHAB"
Hrmm....interesting logic there ledmag. YOu've admitted that pot 'slows you down' and gets you high, yet you brag about how you smoked 2 joints a day for 15 years. Now answer this question: Is that smart?

One beer (or a glass of wine) a day is actually good for you. One joint get's you high and 'slows you down'. Smoking one joint is equivalent to smoking 4 cigarettes.

Anyone would concede that they'd rather be around someone that is high on marijuana than with someone who is drunk out of their mind. That's not the point. The point is that Alcohol can be taken in moderation. Cigarettes don't cause anyone to get stoned.

I'm glad that marijuana is illegal. (although, I think that States should hold the power to keep it illegal, not the Federal Govt.) It is a thorn in society.
Kiyardo>>>Just for the record, You came in this thread, calling myself, Neal, and RJointsmoker anthe rest of the pot smokers a fuckin Dweeb. SO dont you even say im getting out of line with you. You came asking for someoneto say things to you. Otherwise, you wouldnt have knowingly called us DWEEBS.
In fact, i really should haev held no bars with you. I should haev had my way with you.

So just head the warning. You started it, now its finished, as are you.
Kiyardo, you say "alcohol can be taken in moderation" as if pot can not be. now assuming I am not reading that wrong, a person does not need to smoke a whole joint themselves. I myself had very low tolerance for THC, and I could get very happy and mellow with just one bong hit. no problem, no barfing, no bad driving, just a nice little buzz.

I don't get high anymore for a variety of reasons, but I do like my beer.
kiyardo said:
Hrmm....interesting logic there ledmag.
**No logic at all. Just a fact. If you smoke, fine, if yo dont fine, your choice. Dweeb*

YOu've admitted that pot 'slows you down' and gets you high, yet you brag about how you smoked 2 joints a day for 15 years. Now answer this question: Is that smart?

**who said i was bragging? Oh yeah you did. My point was and still is, There are worse things out there than fuckin pot. Get off your ass and ditch cocain or heroin.*

One beer (or a glass of wine) a day is actually good for you. One joint get's you high and 'slows you down'. Smoking one joint is equivalent to smoking 4 cigarettes.

**Yeah, and when you get in your car, or just go outside, you inhaling deadly fumes as well. Get off of it pal. Beer/weed...THE SAME.You believe pot is bad cause youve beentold that, you think one beer a day is good, cause you just may like beer. I smoke pot daily. Dont do it at work, dont do it and drive (much) i do it as resposibly as i can. Tahts the bottom line. IM a pot head, and thats it. No harder drugs. Not saying im the picture of health. But at the same time, im not dieing right now. I smoke cigs as well, and i walk everyday, work hard, get around fine. SUre one day itll all catch up with me. As will the beer and asperine etc that everyone else takes. Not to mention just the simple cleaning agents and bleech in the water, the fat, the cholectrol, etc....EVERYTHING IS A FUCKIN DRUG dweeb**

Anyone would concede that they'd rather be around someone that is high on marijuana than with someone who is drunk out of their mind. That's not the point. The point is that Alcohol can be taken in moderation. Cigarettes don't cause anyone to get stoned.

***Uh, you smoke 5 cigs as fast as you can back to back, see if you dont get HIGH, puke, dizzy etc. I take weed in moderation. Usually no more than 2 a day. You do not know everything. As a matter of factm, you know little about WEED. thats clear. Cant be taken in moderation. I hate it when fuckers try to act as if weed is as controlonmg as hard drugs. And so you know, i had a 2 yr fight with cocain in my younger days.......Thats the stuff that CANNOT BE TAKEN IN MODERation. At fiorst yeah it can. But after a while, its in control. As far as wed, sure, its been at least 10 yrs since i didt have enough money to get high everyday, but when i didnt have the cash, i didnt do it, did it bother me? NO. I waited.***

I'm glad that marijuana is illegal. (although, I think that States should hold the power to keep it illegal, not the Federal Govt.) It is a thorn in society.

*Well, I could care less really what you think or what your glad of, till it includes me, like your dweeb statement, that included me. YTou dont even know me, and you called me a dweeb. FOr that sir, you are out of line, and a dweeb and even worse yourself. If i were in charge, Beer would be illegal. I had a bought with that stuff as well. Pot is the easiest to get off of, and effects my body the least. *

My $0.02...I know plenty of people who smoke on a regular basis, and with few exceptions, it helps them relax and perform better. One of them is a GAP marketing manager who is pretty much single-handedly keeping their marketing department running; another was accepted to Oberlin (sp?) University with flying colors.

Alcohol is far more dangerous than marijuana, if you look at the statistics. Consider hanging out with drunk people vs. hanging out with stoned people - who's far more likely to become violent?

The medicinal values of marijuana are a well-documented fact.
I know that people have different tolerances for pot. And ledmag, please don't get your panties in a bunch. The saying "A friend with weed is a dweeb, indeed." is a play on words from a Malevolent Creation saying in their liner noted from the Retribution disc. Don't take it so personally. I will concede that smoking pot and doing drugs is a totally stupid thing to do. Not to mention illegal ;)
Pyrus>>in the small town in which i live, At least once a yr someone is SHOT by some drunk fucker. Not to mention the fighting.

I myself had to kick a few (well, more than a few) asses just earlier this yr. (SOme of you will rember the newspaper article) Drunk fuckers haeving a party at one of my rental homes. 20 to 30 drunk fuckers on the porch of my rental house at one time. Fuck that shit. The beer got their asses kicked, and the renter, well, i sent him crying in a fuckng HELECOPTER the biggest hospital in KY. Oh and for teh record for those of you who read the news paper article. The fucker is scared for life. His lip curves now,,,,...PERMANTLy.

You know why KIYARDO, cause he was so fuckin drunk, he didnt know when to stop, and he nearly got hmslef killed. HE convuled and all that shit after teh fist to the FACE. Oh, adn i was of coarse SOBER. You know why i was sober, cause i smoke when i WANT TO, not when it wants me to. you dweeb
Ledmag, Go back and read your original post.
Oh, and not to brag, but along with being a pot head for over 15 yrs, i have managed to smoke at least 2 joints a day for yrs, and still retain my own biz, legal biz, and my farm, and bands, etc........now thats reality.
So easily we forget. Must be the "Pot" calling the kettle black, hehehe

And comparing smoking pot to cleaning agents and 'bleech' is amusing at best.
kiyardo said:
I know that people have different tolerances for pot. And ledmag, please don't get your panties in a bunch. The saying "A friend with weed is a dweeb, indeed." is a play on words from a Malevolent Creation saying in their liner noted from the Retribution disc. Don't take it so personally. I will concede that smoking pot and doing drugs is a totally stupid thing to do. Not to mention illegal ;)

1st off, im not wearing my wifes panties right now. SO fuck off on teh panties thing.

the legal thing i sthe smartes thing youve said thus far.
youd a been a lot smarter lookin if you had grouped alc in with the drugs.

And, on the dweeb thing, you may not have come up with the little ryme allon your own, but you used it.


You still run from teh fact that asperine and car exhaust is drugs and or bad.

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