pot smoking

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Oh, and yeah, I remember that article...shame how people manage to fuck themselves and others up legally all the time. Friend of the family was an alcoholic for ten years; the whole time, he was snorting/shooting up/smoking whatever was around when he was drunk, cause he had no sense of self control. Then went to rehab and started smoking pot; has been off hard drugs ever since, got his life under control, works as a professional musician and a writer.
Child/kidtardo- Would It be fair to say that you've never done pot so you are talking out of your arse?

Mariajauna is by far one of the least damaging drugs avalabile, legally or illegaly.
Penicillin has killed more people directly through allergies.
Think about that. Then go preach elsewhere, Leds on the case and YOU WILL NOT WIN.
Pyrus said:
My $0.02...I know plenty of people who smoke on a regular basis, and with few exceptions, it helps them relax and perform better. One of them is a GAP marketing manager who is pretty much single-handedly keeping their marketing department running; another was accepted to Oberlin (sp?) University with flying colors.

Alcohol is far more dangerous than marijuana, if you look at the statistics. Consider hanging out with drunk people vs. hanging out with stoned people - who's far more likely to become violent?

The medicinal values of marijuana are a well-documented fact.

How do you measure performance under the influence of pot? Did you do a clinical study to compare. Marijuana 'slows you down' as ledmag so readily admitted earlier.

Alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana when it is abused.. This fact has never been challenged by me or anyone on this thread. But, alcohol can be taken in moderation. Marijuana cannot.

And it is THC that has medicianl values, not marijuana. That is a fact. It is also a fact that medical science has the ability to extract that THC in pill form (Marinol), which is highly effective in treatments (more so than the drug legalization crowd cares to admint, AND, the fact that a THC mist would be far more effective then smoking pot.
Marijuana has psychological values; though - it's extremely useful for getting people off harder drugs. Read my story about the alcoholic above.

Find me five incidents of physical harm caused by weed, and I'll find you fifty caused by alcohol. Pot is ALWAYS taken "in moderation" when it comes to effects, because it's nowhere near as dangerous as other addictive substances, to the smoker or to others.
kiyardo said:
Ledmag, Go back and read your original post.
So easily we forget. Must be the "Pot" calling the kettle black, hehehe

And comparing smoking pot to cleaning agents and 'bleech' is amusing at best.

Pal, your 33 fucking yrs old, its high time you get your ass out of the play pen, and at least crawl on the floor a while.

It was not a fucking brag...only the truth. ITs a FACT that iove been a pot head fo rthe amount of yrs before mentioned, and im not a bum. Thats it pal. THE ONLY POINT OF ME STATING THAT.

Did i stutter when i told you I wasnt bragging? WHy the fuck should I brag, or be proud that i throw awy money on WEED? shot dude, get with the program thats already been laid out, caus eyou suck at tryin to rewrite it.

On teh cleaning agents...ok, some household cleaning agents will ripp your skin off, bleech is deadly. A new study is showing that if one drinks 2 liters of CITY (i live in teh forest and haev my own water source) water a day for 5 yrs, your asking for cancer due to the bleech etc they use to so called PURIFY THE WATER.

And as far as amusing, your amusing ion a sickening kinda way.

You dont touch your kids in the wrong places do you?
ledmag said:
1st off, im not wearing my wifes panties right now. SO fuck off on teh panties thing.

the legal thing i sthe smartes thing youve said thus far.
youd a been a lot smarter lookin if you had grouped alc in with the drugs.

And, on the dweeb thing, you may not have come up with the little ryme allon your own, but you used it.


You still run from teh fact that asperine and car exhaust is drugs and or bad.

Hrmm. Your grammar and spelling is a fine example of why one should stay away form marijuana and drugs. And, you actually run a business?
kiyardo said:
Marijuana 'slows you down' as ledmag so readily admitted earlier.
different people have different body chemistries and metabolisms. Personally, I know from ledmag's descriptions how hard he works and I'm amazed he's capable of that much work. If I smoked two joints a day, I'd be a major stockholder in the Doritos corporation and rarely get off the couch :loco:

kiyardo said:
But, alcohol can be taken in moderation. Marijuana cannot.
dead wrong. pot can be smoked in tiny amounts, or alot.

kiyardo said:
And it is THC that has medicianl values, not marijuana. That is a fact. It is also a fact that medical science has the ability to extract that THC in pill form (Marinol), which is highly effective in treatments (more so than the drug legalization crowd cares to admint, AND, the fact that a THC mist would be far more effective then smoking pot.
I'll graciously concede this point. anyone who has had to clean out the inside of a bong can see that smoking weed puts crap in your lungs.
Pyrus said:
And now he's getting warmed up...this is going to be fun. Too bad I gotta go to class. See y'all later.

For the record, btw, I don't smoke. No particular need to. But I respect the choices of those who do, just as they respect my choice not to.

Rock on.

I can tell that you don't smoke because at least you have a some reasoning in your arguments.

And for the record. I don't respect the choices of those who smoke pot. Because, it's just plain STUPID. Just as smoking cigarettes is STUPID, and getting drunk is STUPID. This is not to say that I think the people who engage in these activities are stupid themselves. They just make stupid decisions to engage in these activities, considering the damage it does to themselves and those around them.

Rock on.
RETARDO>>>why must you coninue tyo sasy weed cannot be taken in moderation? I know your menatl, and skipped the special ed calees(thats a given). Your opinion is just opninion, and thats that. Youve statedit, you have no proof that your right. Or at least you havenot given us proof. And your proof liketeh bibles proof, well, it just has no ground.

All i can say is this. I spent a month drunk one time, a whole month. I couldnt stop. I ahev never been stoned for more than a few daysat a time in my life. and that was wheni was a youngster. In the last ten yrs, i have (other than parties or whatnot) haevnt been stoned for no more than a few hours at a time. Sure, weed is addictive, but for me at least, adn all the weeed smokers i know, alc is way harder to get off of, and causes way more family damage etc.

Weed cant be controled. Your a fucking asslip bastard. Opinions are great, but even greater when they have grounds to stand on. Your opinon is OUT OF SIGHT dude. You made it that way BTW.
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lizard said:
different people have different body chemistries and metabolisms. Personally, I know from ledmag's descriptions how hard he works and I'm amazed he's capable of that much work. If I smoked two joints a day, I'd be a major stockholder in the Doritos corporation and rarely get off the couch :loco:

He may work hard, but it's obviously affected his judgement and reasoning. Have you read his posts?

dead wrong. pot can be smoked in tiny amounts, or alot.
Sure, it can be smoked in tiny amounts, but it all gets you high all the same, though it affects people differently.

I'll graciously concede this point. anyone who has had to clean out the inside of a bong can see that smoking weed puts crap in your lungs.

Yeah, that stuff is nasty isn't it. It kind of reminds me of tar.
As I sais earlier in this post, Marinol is NOT the same as smoking pot. Smoking pot in its natural form has far more healing properties than taking a pill.

Also, not everyone has the same ideas & values as you Kiyardo.

So you can knock yourself out trying to TELL people what YOU think they should do, or you can just live your life & let people live theirs.

Recreational drug use is a personal choice & all the preaching in the world cannot make someone change their mind.

Live by example not by your mouth.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Oh no, a spelling crack.
You're fucked.
people always make the assumption that because led doesn't worry about spelling that he's some ignorant cracker. trust me, anyone who owns the complete collection of Hunter s. Thompson is not an idiot.
ledmag said:
RETARDO>>>why must you coninue tyo sasy weed cannot be taken in moderation? I know your menatl, and skipped the special ed calees(thats a given). Your opinion is just opninion, and thats that. Youve statedit, you have no proof that your right. Or at least you havenot given us proof. And your proof liketeh bibles proof, well, it just has no ground.

All i can say is this. I spent a month drunk one time, a whole month. I couldnt stop. I ahev never been stoned for more than a few daysat a time in my life. and that was wheni was a youngster. In the last ten yrs, i have (other than parties or whatnot) haevnt been stoned for no more than a few hours at a time. Sure, weed is addictive, but for me at least, adn all the weeed smokers i know, alc is way harder to get off of, and causes way more family damage etc.

Weed cant be controled. Your a fucking asslip bastard. Opinions are great, but even greater when they have grounds to stand on. Your opinon is OUT OF SIGHT dude. You made it that way BTW.

Aw man!!! You got me there. You have just won the intellectual argument. BTW, that was sarcasm in case you didn't notice. You are amusing.:grin: I won't take your name calling seriously.

I will ask you or anyone with any amount of reasoning one question though. For what other reason does one smoke pot, other than to get high or "relax", which is still a high?
Ok, so he cant argue on the subject anymore, so he attacks typing mistakes..

Ok retardo ill tell ya as i haev told so many retards before you.

FUCK TYPING. Never had a clas, and never will. You have thus far gottenthe point, and i think you will continue. You have now proven yourself a DILDO.

The grammer, yeah, i try to type fast, and use short cuts. If you dont like it, GOOD.

Go drink a beer, make it a case, then fuck your kids while allthe time your thinking its your wife. Then you can go beat your wife for not being the one you were fucking. Beat her real good cause your too drunk to figure your children for your HOLE.

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