pot smoking

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Mistress Masie said:
As I sais earlier in this post, Marinol is NOT the same as smoking pot. Smoking pot in its natural form has far more healing properties than taking a pill.
I never said it was the same. As I've said in my other posts clinical THC mist is FAR more effective in the treatment of disease and side effects from treatment. THC and marijuana have no 'healing powers' LOL
Also, not everyone has the same ideas & values as you Kiyardo.
Never said they did. Logic tells you that drugs are bad for you, not values. Who said anything about values?
So you can knock yourself out trying to TELL people what YOU think they should do, or you can just live your life & let people live theirs.
Haven't knocked myself out yet. I am fully conscience, thank you very much. I never told anyone what to do. They can do what they want, as long as it doesn't hurt me or anyone else. When one does drugs, there potential for harm to otheres is dramitically increased. So, if youy do your drugs, stay away from me. Thank you.
Recreational drug use is a personal choice & all the preaching in the world cannot make someone change their mind.
Your exactly right.
Live by example not by your mouth.
Okay, will do. thanks for the reminder, but I will defend myself in this forum.
kiyardo said:
Does it sound like I'm weak minded? I don't need drugs to 'strengthen my mind' or to be creative. Given your user name, one could infer that it is YOU who is weak minded because of your need to smoke pot to escape reality or be creative.

Marijuana = a lie

I don't smoke it because I "need" to. I ENJOY it. Where in the fuck did I state that? Infering eh? Maybe I should infer my foot straight to your ass several times. Actually it's been a few weeks now that I have'nt smoked, because I've been so damn busy. Maybe it just pains a straight edger like you, that cannot accept the fact that people who smoke/eat pot can function normally in society.

As far as ledmag stated about the medical FACTS, I changed my sump pump out this winter and the water was stagnent and I caught a nasty viral infection in my digestive tract. It was'nt all the antibiodics and other medicines that cost me over $2,000 dollars that made me feel any better, I could'nt eat, sleep or barely walk, suffered from malnutrition from the after effects of all these poisons the doctors were pushing down my throat. What made me feel better and finally allowed my appetite to return and the ability to mellow out my constant throwing up was guess what. WEED! Don't try to put words in my mouth or any one elses or I will knock you off your soap box. Pack your conservitive garbage up and take it elsewhere. Like I give a fuck about 90% of the laws in this cuntry anyhow. Most of them are just a way for some rigid dick up their ass just like you, to maintain a feeling of control and power over the population, so they can get there tax payer funded pention after 6 years and say they "did something." now pardon me. but this is my first day off in awhile and I am going to take my weak minded, uncreative ass and put my motorhome on my campsite, put my boat in the water, puff a fatty and go fishing. As I said before, go fuck your mother and keep your shit out of my buisness asshole. Fuckin' jeepers.
kiyardo, you are perfectly entitled to your opinions, provided you don't live in some armpit like Syria or the like. please, though, don't treat others like idiots just because they don't agree with you. you are allowed to live your life as you see fit, buddy. allow others to do the same.

Ihreil Junkenstein said:
"I will ask you or anyone with any amount of reasoning one question though. For what other reason does one smoke pot, other than to get high or "relax", which is still a high?"

You can't work this out?
Fuck you are slow. You answerd your own question for fucks sake.

As I said, The "relaxation" is still a high. It affects people differently. In either case, it certainly affects judgement and reasoning.
kiyardo said:
Aw man!!! You got me there. You have just won the intellectual argument.

**so your in a contest?**

BTW, that was sarcasm in case you didn't notice. You are amusing.:grin: I won't take your name calling seriously.

**and were you supposed to? Me calling you names is likeyour opinion on weed, MY OPINION. Its for me to accept, adn for yo, well, to take it how you want. At least i didnt tryto shove a bud down your throat. Your tryin to shove just say no down mine....PS>>i see you finally agree that weed can be taken in moderation. ITs about time you come around. That my non friend, is all i was after. I see your point, weed is bad for ya. But your tryin to act as if its the worste drug on earth. DO a few drugs for while, then come back and tell us something. I will also amitt that doing drugs is stupid, i also like the way you re-stated a few things on that matter as well. To sum this paragraph up, WHY DIDNT YOU START YOUR lobbying in this way? You would have made it much further much fatser, and would have saved many hands the trouble of getting caprul tunnel due to typing. ***

I will ask you or anyone with any amount of reasoning one question though. For what other reason does one smoke pot, other than to get high or "relax", which is still a high?

**personally, i do it to get HIGH. What other reason would i smoke a joint? I dont have cancer, i dont haev aids, i have no critical ilnesses.**

****ANd on another note....You haev no clue how i run my BIZ. I know of lots of ppl who have no self control and do weed, adn it does get in their way. BUt the bottom line is this....ITS NOT TEH WEEDS FAULT those characters cant control themselves. You must control yourself before you can control a minor drug such as weed. As i said before, i never smoke pot on the job, its isnt good, its stupid, and dangerouse due to the fact that it does slow you down. And in my MANY lines of work, being slow minded wioll get you KILLED.

Weed does not cause my typoes, it doesnt cause my mispelled words, its my fingers that do that. I type with 2 to 3 fongers on each hand. Im not good at it. Bottome line.

Weed is bad news, as is nearly everything else. BUt other drugs etc are far far worse.

Oh and you say i make bad disisions, What are they other than wasting my money on a minor drug? My biz goes fine. You dont have great disicion making skills yourself. Cioming in here runing your mouth an overfed ass with he SHITS.

Now, some of us have gave yo a bit of our history,drug related and other wise. Now you give us some history.

WHat drugs haev you abused? If any, then we may be enlighted as to your opinion. If none, then your opinion is lack luster. ***

Ihreil Junkenstein said:
"So, if youy do your drugs, stay away from me. Thank you."
A-You cant spell for shit sometimes either.
B-I wouldn't want to be near an intoleant prick like yourself.

If you are a stuck up fool stay the hell away from ME.
Oops, sorry. One typo! Crucify me!!! Now, one would think that YOU would spell a little better "intoleant"! Bwhahahaha

I'd hang out with anyone on this BB as long as they were sober. I'm not stuck up.
Liz>>>This guy is a drug. He isnt gonna listen. He didnt come here to listen. He didnt come here to get along. He isnt gonna get throughto us, and i dont think we are gonna getthroughto him.

But ill keep tryin till he leaves though, or we'll do this every damn day. hahahahahha

Good words youve said thus far pal. same to REVERAND JOINTSMKER and the rest...other than KIYardo retardo.
Dear PopeJohn Paul IX,

I never said anything about typos, unless they are such commonplace that it makes it almost impossible to read, as in the case of ledmag. One or two typos or spelling errors shouldn't be criticized, I talked about blatant repeated spelling mistakes.
kiyardo said:
Oops, sorry. One typo! Crucify me!!! Now, one would think that YOU would spell a little better "intoleant"! Bwhahahaha

I'd hang out with anyone on this BB as long as they were sober. I'm not stuck up.

What, just cause you made ONE makes you better.

As far as hangin out, you wouldnt hang with me, and im one of the easiest going motherfuckers you could come across....I wouldnt LET you hang out with me. Yeah thats right. I wouldnt LET you. after a few knocks on your head, you wouldnt want to.

Not that im a red neck or a bad ass, but bottom line, i dont go by the laws of the lands 100% as you know, and i would debate with you in a friendly manner as long as you would like, but after about 5 minutes of your mouth, one of us would be bleeding. Cause you dont debate, you start out like you a fucking Zsar and you keep it up throughout.

I do hope some pot head runs you and yoru family down in a car, and them amybe we can haev a good statistic to start with. But would a favor to mankind be a statistic, or just a favor?

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