Power Quest in Derby 17/10/09


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
The first show with the new line up will be in Derby on October 17th at the Vic Inn. There will be support acts for this show as well.

It's been a while since we played at the Vic (2003 I believe) but I'm really looking forward to introducing the new line up at the October shows!
Well, we've just completed out final rehearsals for the upcoming 3 shows to introduce the new line up. I'm very happy with the way things have gone in Derby this weekend and can't wait to hit the stage with my new comrades on Saturday!!!!

Watch out for a new twist on the MND solo spot!!!!
Like Nick posted above, I to am really looking forward to opening the night for the first PQ gig with the new line up :) really really excited! I have even been trying to hunt down somebody with a decent camera so I can have some songs recorded to put on my youtube page haha! (impatient viewers have been nagging me for months for live videos -_- )

Just wanted to drop by and say what a great show this was. The improvisation from Aeterna (they were the first band right?) when there was Keyboard problems was great and the cover of The Final Countdown was fun!

Power Quest were amazing. Steve, cheers for the handshake and Pete, cheers for letting me sing into the Microphone for part of me favourite Power Quest song! The future's definitely looking bright for you guys.

Cheers! :kickass:
Yep, I was at the Derby gig too. When a band has a major change there is always some doubt as to the end result but I reckon that this new line-up is a winner. Overall I thought the show was great.

Here's a few thoughts:

The sound wasn't to good (but it never is at The Vic) & it was to loud for the room. The keys were very loud & the guitars & bass were to low in the mix. The vocals & drums were about right.

The main thing for most people will always be the singer & Pete did a good job, the vocal approach was just right. Steve has stated elsewhere that he wasn't looking to directly replace Alessio & wanted more of a front man & that's certainly what we got. It would be good to see them on a bigger stage now.

As a drummer myself I was keen to see how Rich worked out & it's another winner. Some of those double bass runs were very impressive. I'd be interested to know if he was using some technique like heel/toe or if it was just fast playing?

As I said the guitars & bass were a bit to quiet in comparison to the others, but from what I could hear & see the new chaps fitted in perfectly

Best of luck for the other shows & the future
It definatly was a good show indeed, thanks Kingface for the compliment, yes we were the first band on, and it was incredibly hard pulling off a performance without the keyboard but we are glad everyone enjoyed our performance! As for powerquest, I knew I was in for a good performance but damn im blown away by the skill :D I already knew Rich and Pete were brilliant musicians as I have seen them before with there other band Thunderforce, and I knew Steve was a god on keys because he is the only original member, but the other three Paul, Ben and Andy were also brilliant :D wasnt expecting what I did, well done guys you certainly set yourself off on a good start. And yeah the sound was a bit crappy, but as mentioned previously it is the vic and sound is always crap at the vic. Its a shame they couldnt play at the Old Bell because its much better there. Anyways best of luck to Powerquest on there upcoming gigs as they go Far Awayyyyy from Derby ;) haha
My 1st post!
My mate and I went along last night and we'd been waiting excitedly like children in a sweet shop to hear the new lineup! hehe! We had great fun grinning and singing along at the front! No voice now though!

Also liked Aeterna, loved the Edguy cover!
There should be some videos uploaded on youtube soonish hopefully, I do remember seeing people with cameras throughout the whole night, if we got some footage than sure as hell power quest did! :p
Well what can I say? What a whirl wind the past few days have been, phew!! ha ha. Throughly enjoyed myself with Steve and the new boys in PQ. THANK YOU FROM MY HEART to all the fans that came to the shows and welcomed us all in the fold. YOU GUYS MADE THE SHOWS GREAT!!!

With love and respect

Pete Morten