Power Quest LIVE Album


Can You Remember?
Feb 8, 2011
Another World
I know this has been discussed before most likely.

But Steve, now with 5 great albums under the belt, what would be the possibility to get a live album out from the Quest?

I know this probably goes back to the record company thinking if it will sell or not just like with the merchandise.

But, if that is not an option, what about doing like a Promo Live album for fans and concert goers. With all the home studio software available these days couldn't you and the boys whip up something to sell on tour from past and current shows?

Maybe even us fans can help finance the project.

A Power Quest Live Album and/or DVD would be great, I particularly like the idea of making it something specifically for people to buy at the live shows.

It'd be great those keen on PQ in general, a great alternative for those who enjoyed a show but would rather buy something like a CD/DVD rather than a shirt and you could perhaps use it to gauge the interest in making that or another Live Album/DVD released via Napalm Records?
Yeah...it's really a case of "supply and demand" to be honest.....if enough people wanted it then I'm sure it would appear on the radar.

Personally, I would be inclined to get another album under our belts with the current line up before we started heading into this territory.
Yeah...it's really a case of "supply and demand" to be honest.....if enough people wanted it then I'm sure it would appear on the radar.

Personally, I would be inclined to get another album under our belts with the current line up before we started heading into this territory.

How does a record company gauge that though? How would they know the fans are wanting a live album or not.

Do we flood their email with demands? :err:
Well....I think firstly we would have to be playing venues of a size that would be suitable for such a recording. That in turn leads us back to album sales.....which is at the heart of so many of our discussions whether it be this one or about why we don't tour further afield.
Well....I think firstly we would have to be playing venues of a size that would be suitable for such a recording. That in turn leads us back to album sales.....which is at the heart of so many of our discussions whether it be this one or about why we don't tour further afield.

Yet there are bands that play small venues exclusively that have had live albums released.

It's a vicious and unfair circle, I understand what you're saying.

If I was rich I would takeover your management and book you worldwide and give the fans what they want, more Power Quest.
Nice idea, but as Steve said, it's supply and demand. I think maybe a better idea is including live stuff as bonus material with other releases. Some shows and festivals record all their stages, so if a master from one of those was obtained then that could be a cheaper way of doing things.
I personally hate live albums, and I also don't think it's really a good time right now for PQ to prepare a live album. It's also about supply and demand as was mentioned before.
Well maybe if more people bought their albums they would get more funding for things like DVDs, a live CD... or even shirts since Napalm denied funding of that too
Thumbs up 1928 :)

Live albums always struck me as "all the songs you fell in love with...played slightly worse, with less quality in front of cheering and shouting people!" Erm, hurray? I've enjoyed many live albums though so maybe a PQ one would be pretty cool...
Well....I think firstly we would have to be playing venues of a size that would be suitable for such a recording. That in turn leads us back to album sales.....which is at the heart of so many of our discussions whether it be this one or about why we don't tour further afield.

Do it like how Jeff Waters did it with Annihilator's live album. Steal Iron Maiden's crowd :)

(you even hear maiden, maiden, maiden in between a song :p)