Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
Just curious...how many here are actually going? And for you lurkers, here's your chance to make yourselves known. ;)

See you guys at the fest!! And above all, have a great time!!! :kickass:

Take care!

See you at The Pearl Room
The name be Notter. I be a lurker (hell I registered but a few minutes ago on these here forums). I shall be attending all three nights of Powerfest. Got me a big belly, a big bushy beard, and will be sporting an Old Rasputin (excellent beer from the North Coast Brewing Co, if you're into really dark beers) t-shirt on Thursday night.

I look forward to rocking out with all you folks who I know nothing of (with the possible exception of a Jose, who is supposedly a portly gentleman of Mexican heritage - to clarify, not that I wouldn't want to rock out with him, rather I have heard some mutterings as to his awesomeness prior to the metal).

Rock on mystery folk :headbang: ! May many :kickass: lead to :loco: and no :puke:.
Enjoy the show!

Feeling pretty shitting about missing it now... especially considering my brother isn't even here yet due to flight delays and I'm waiting for the go ahead to hit the airport and pick him up (he should have been here yesterday according to his flight plans), so essentially I am going to end up driving to the airport to pick him up the same exact time I would have been driving there to leave for Chicago. :lol:
In 30 minutes, I'll be checking in for tomorrow's flights on the US Air website.

I should be landing at O'Hare at 1pm tomorrow afternoon, getting us to the hotel between 2 and 3.
My little brother and I are leaving after I finish smoking this fatty bowl. I will be wearing an Iced Earth "Night of the Stormrider" re-release shirt look for me if you wanna party because thats what this weekend is a HUGE PARTY!!!!
Not looking good for me.
Long story. Many of you who I speak with offline know some of the things I have been going through this past month.

Most recently (as in this morning), test results show my mother in law has cancer. (This comes after my wife losing her grandmother a couple weeks back, and my father having triple bypass surgery).

Sorry to be a downer.....

Anyhow, I have a ticket for tomorrow (Friday) night.
If anyone needs one, I might have it for sale (as realistically I doubt I will be using it).
I won't be able to make it tonight....still recouping from my kidneys deciding to be a bitch earlier this week.
Luckily it wasn't my liver!
Ha Ha!

But I'll be there tomorrow (Friday) for sure....most likely high on pain killers, but it's all good.
Plus, I have to get a picture taken with Jose!


It will be nice to finally meet all of you for the first time!
I'm so sorry to hear that Jason. :( Family does come first though. We'll all keep you in our thoughts and if you indeed are unable to make it, we'll rock out extra hard for you. :)

I'll be rollin' in to the Super 8 around 2PM today for the 3-day festivities. See you guys there!