Powerslave and some disgress.

LOL, you're right Greeno. It really is all just opinion. That's why I don't let these kind of arguments upset me. We've all got opinions and they all smell like assholes to someone!

I'd say this debate is about played out anyway. No one is going to budge.

Sorry Wyvern, you can have your thread back! I posted my feelings "on-topic" on the first day this thread was created.
I already gave up on it! :lol:

I just want people to discuss things friendly, I must getting paranoid with age but I felt a bit of animosity on some of the posts.

BTW, I have to disagree with the posters above:

Iommi, Blackmore, Roeser are up there in the great pantheon for me.

Vai, Satriani, MacAlpine are on another side of the equation and play really great and I love their stuff, and I have seem live and they are damn good, period.

I like Malmsteen but it comes to "wankery" as people call it, especially after his third album (and I have them all).

Rhoads, Page, Van Halen, Nugent, Clapton, Hendrix, Young, Schenker are all great players (it will be dumb to say different) but they don't attract at all with their music.

On the other hand I have Murphy, Vitterli, Reale, Tipton, Smith, Grapow as great guitarrist usually underrated and overseen by most people.
The albums from 20 years ago introduced something very new which is why I think we hold them in such reverence today. I remember when I got "Number of the Beast" and "Blizzard of Ozz". I had never heard anything like those albums before, which is why they made an impression with me. I don't think today's music is as innovative as Iron Maiden may have been 20 years ago. I hear some great stuff these days, but it's all a good representation of something that has already been done, nothing truly innovative and different to the point it leaves it's mark on you.

I remember listening to Stevie Ray Vaughan for the first time. That will stay with me forever. Clapton is great, BB King is fun to listen to, but SRV just put them all to shame (in my opinion). He was just so fresh and explosive, I couldn't help but be impressed by it. Same with the NWOBHM back in the early 80's - different, fresh and memorable. It stays with you.

I also truly believe that 20 years from today (god willing I am still on this Earth) I will still be playing "Powerslave", "Number of the Beast", "Shout at the Devil" and "Blizzard of Ozz". "Texas Flood" and "Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs" will also still be getting time on my music player (whatever the format will be then).

For me, those albums will always stand the test of time.

As for the guitarists, Randy Rhoads was the real deal. Darrell and Zakk hold him in such high regard for a reason. He had a unique style, a fantastic blend of speed, power and classical brilliance. He was innovative and explosive, so much more to give to us. I cry when I think of where he could have taken the guitar.

Randy Rhoads, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Joe Satriani, and Eric Clapton - the top of the guitar mountain (IMHO)
Wyvern said:
I must getting paranoid with age but I felt a bit of animosity on some of the posts.

I Hope no one took offense to any of my posts because they were not posted with any animosity in mind. If they came off that way I apologize.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
LOL, I just realized that it was my post that flamed you, JonnyD! I had a hard time deciphering that post when I read it the other day, I guess. I am sorry to enrage you, but I still stand strong on my sacrilege statement. That's fine that you feel so passionate about Darryl. It's great, in fact. But your emotions cloud your judgement. Looking at it from a purely logical standpoint (and from the standpoint of future generations who have no emotional ties to either man), Randy was constantly pushing the envelope while Dime just kinda did his thrash thing, never straying far from the path ahead. To me, that puts these two dead guys in completely different categories.

Randy belongs in the category with Vai, Malmsteen, and Satriani.
its cool and I respect that you will stand by your statement even if I well less than agree with it .... hahahha I am a VERY emotional person I cant help it and thinking Logically is not something I do well I'm no Vulcan only Human ... I personally dont see Randy as a boundry pusher ... he was riding on EVH's curtails IMHO lol Dime is and will always be in a league of his own ... I cant Diss on Vai,Malm or Sat G3 is great! ... but they do tend to delve into the Same ol same ol guitar "Wankery" as posted

Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Dimebag belongs in the category with Iommi, Mustaine, and other guitarists who just don't think outside the box...they're content to play the same kind of music over and over, good though it may be.

Again, sorry for getting you hopping mad :hotjump: but that's just my opinion. Obviously, yours differs! Please relax and have a :kickass: on me!
No Worries hahaha We do agree on other topics so its all good ... and when we dont you will know it :loco:.... I dont drink ... but I will have a Bowl on your behalf :D

Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Oh, and you definitely have my sympathies if your heydey was during the 90s. The American music scene was a drab landscape during that decade and I do admit that Pantera was one of the few shining gems of old school metal. Thank God for the Internet!
I dont really consider it a "Heyday" so to speak cause it really wasnt lol the 2000's have been much Kinder and Heavier ... those were Very Dark times I remember when the major media proclaimed Heavy Metal Dead and the general Population being the gerbils they are ate it right up Pantera was the big Giant FUCK YOU in response to that hehehe it was nice that and there was alot of positive messages in their music whichI thrived and even Survived on as a teen ... 1999 was the year I discovered the Metal World on the net and I havnt looked back since :loco: :headbang:
Greeno said:
Hell yeah! I expect nothing less from you... that's why I respect you, along with the other regs on this board. We speak our minds and debate a little and move on. If we always agreed with eachother it would get boring around here wouldn't it? :)

Greeno you are one cool Motherfucker! :wave:
Greeno said:
It's like when I hear someone older than me saw "Clapton is God" or Page is the best guitar player ever...it just makes me laugh!! In my opinion those guys blow. Not that I don't enjoy some of their music but overall they are VERY average. It like we always say around here "it all comes down to opinion", and we've all always been cool with eachothers opinions... for the most part. :)
It IS all opinion. It can be nothing else, ever. Until art can be "proven" mathematically to be better than another piece of art (which will never happen), it's all safely in the eye (or ear) of the beholder.

Concerning the Page/Clapton comment, I have a different view. I'm of the school of metal of the early 80s (as I think are most here). My first true loves were Maiden, Priest, Crue, Metallica, Slayer.....you get the point.

At THAT time, I despised the then 'old school' guard of Deep Purple, Led Zep and the like. Heck, although I respected Ozzy-era Sabbath, I thought the music was antiquated and, well, dull. However, this was the mindframe of a young teen.

In my early 20s, a relative bought me the Led Zep boxed set (why, to this day, I still do not know) for Christmas. I wasn't a fan. I didn't ask for it.
But I figured I'd at least give it some listens. At first, it too sounded 'old'. Compared to more modern bands, it just didn't have it. WHere was the wammy bar? Where were the silly stereo-typical metal lyrics that I grew up on? I quickly dismissed the band. But over time, looking for new music, I went back to the box & gave it some more listens. As the melodies & grooves began to sink in, I simply fell in love with the music. In fact, I found LZ's music to be so powerful that, at that moment, NO band could compare! I began comparing everything I liked to LZ and all bands fell short.

To this day, they're my fav band. In my view, their songs have more energy, honesty & emotion than any rock bands out there.

Can Page do a solo like Yngwie? Perhaps not. But Yngwie really can't write a song. So who cares? At the end of the day, it's the songwriting that captures my heart. Being "technical" is pointless if that technique leads to boring, dull, lifeless, bland, emotion-less music.

'Tis the reason why I find so many so-called prog & power metal bands to be tiresome & effectively useless. If a song lacks emotion, it does little for me.
That's why a band like Pearl Jam is so much more musically important than a band such as Dream Theater is, IMO. Sure, DT can deliver the chops. And sure, a PJ guitar solo is comprised of but 12 notes. But so what? A PJ song moves me. A DT song bores me.

When any of the flower-metal bands, or any of the neo-power bands can compose something as timeless as "Stairway to Heaven", "Smoke on the Water" or "War Pigs", then they'll have some credibility. Until then, they're nothing more than bands that are attempting (and failing) to simply be a clone of the bands they grew up on. Do something original!
SoundMaster said:
Can Page do a solo like Yngwie? Perhaps not. But Yngwie really can't write a song. So who cares?
I will not go that far. Malmsteen has many really good songs. His style and Page are absolutely different, but I'm not going to say that Led Zeppelin sucks, just that is not my cup of tea. Both had/has their ups and downs and both have a great fanbase and by a chance of timing Zeppelin is more influential right now. But in another 20 years some players may regard Malmsteen with the same reverence today players look at Page. My € 0.02 opinion.
Hawk said:
I think I will. In 20 years I still be listning to CoB, Symphony X and Nevermore. Its a mindset really, you have to evolve with the time. Try anything trown at you. I know people that are my age that complain there no good music being made anymore. They still live in the 70s!

Hearing that bullshit makes me angry! If you want to decide to live in the past go ahead but don't complain! Yea it takes time and effort to stay informed but it is worth every second!

I hear you Hawk! I was one of those that lived in the past, I was stuck with bands from the 80's and some from the 70's like Sabbath and I thought that nothing worthwhile was being made until I discovered all of these fantastic European bands that I had never heard of thanks to the internet. Now my tastes have expanded and I think that 20 years from now I will be listening to Arch Enemy, Nightwish, etc. as well as Priest, Maiden and the like.
I don't think I'm living in the past, I'm always looking for new music, but I don't think any music today comes close to the music of the 80's. I'm sure I'll be listening to some of the albums of today in 20 years but they still won't rank up there with the good stuff. :)
SoundMaster said:
Can Page do a solo like Yngwie? Perhaps not. But Yngwie really can't write a song. So who cares?

You obviously don't like Yngwie in any aspect, but you're soooo wrong!
The most common opinion about him is that his songs are just rhythms for endless soloing and that's plain wrong!
His soloing is really pointless sometimes and he sure forgot when to slow down a bit and stop masturbating for a moment ;) but his songwriting skills are excellent and sadly shadowed by his ugly ego which makes him race on the fretboard like crazy...
You can't tell me that a song like Prisoner Of Your Love doesn't have passion or emotion, just like Don't Let It End, Vengeance, As Above So Below, Leonardo or whatever...
Forget about his soloing and listed to the SONGS themselves!
Dodens Grav said:
The songs themselves feel pretty emotionless for the most part aside from the solos by what I hear.

Heck, for years, I really wanted to like his music. So much so, that I bought his first 2 albums & tried....and tried.....and tried. But the songs were just dull. There are parts of some songs that are cool (Icarus Suite) but no full songs that just knock your balls off.
Greeno said:
It's like when I hear someone older than me saw "Clapton is God" or Page is the best guitar player ever...it just makes me laugh!! In my opinion those guys blow. Not that I don't enjoy some of their music but overall they are VERY average. It like we always say around here "it all comes down to opinion", and we've all always been cool with eachothers opinions... for the most part. :)

Hehehe....you used "Page" and "VERY average" in the same phrase :loco:

I usually try to play the music of the bands I love on guitar, mostly accoustic stuff cause I find it more interesting. Now if you listen to songs like "Going to California" or "Bron Yr Aur Stomp" you'll see that Clapton is not infact God(not that you think that), and if he is, the Beatles are definatly bigger than him....

As for the Dimebag arguement, I remember figuring out the cords to "5 Minutes Alone" and thought to myself "how fuckin cool is this?" and it's one of his lesser riffs, guess what I'm trying to say is Rhodes is God of Thunder, Darrel is God of Power an Rain and Page is the Hammer of the Gods :worship:
zeppelin said:
Hehehe....you used "Page" and "VERY average" in the same phrase :loco:

I usually try to play the music of the bands I love on guitar, mostly accoustic stuff cause I find it more interesting. Now if you listen to songs like "Going to California" or "Bron Yr Aur Stomp" you'll see that Clapton is not infact God(not that you think that), and if he is, the Beatles are definatly bigger than him....

As for the Dimebag arguement, I remember figuring out the cords to "5 Minutes Alone" and thought to myself "how fuckin cool is this?" and it's one of his lesser riffs, guess what I'm trying to say is Rhodes is God of Thunder, Darrel is God of Power an Rain and Page is the Hammer of the Gods :worship:
You just raised yourself a few notches in my esteem Zeppie :headbang: