Powerslave tattoo on my back.


New Metal Member
Dec 3, 2007
1st tattoo (iron maiden)
Hey guys wana get a tattoo of Eddie on my back.
Though this is a color picture i wana stay old school and get it done just black with little color( on eddie's eyes etc). Here is another link with just the texture (it doesnt look so good though). But this was kinda what i want with a little changes like the lightning from the eyes etc.
what do u guys suggest? Please gimme some good suggestions!. Uhm...

edit: here is another one but this one is small and is in color, not exactly what i have in mind.
I would suggest taking the picture to a reputable tattooist and talk to them about what you want first. Make sure you do your research and get a good tattooist cos I've seen some awful Eddie tattoos over the years. I don't know how long you've been planning to get this, but I would think about it for about a year to make sure that you still want it at the end of that time. I wanted an Iron Maiden tattoo a few years back and designed something, but I left it for a year and by the end of that time I was so glad I didn't get it cos I ended up not liking it. Good luck!! :D
As a proud owner of 8 Eddie tattoos,my advice is for you,is that go with the original (Derek Riggs) design,and get the colors! Black and gray Eddie tattoos can be nice,but colored ones are always beats them.And the most important part is to find a great tattoo artist,because as Jenna said before,there are quite a lot of ugly Eddie tattoos around the globe.As long as you don't put the Iron Maiden logo on your body,you probably never gonna regret an Eddie tattoo,because even people who don't like Maiden at all,thinks that the Eddie figure is a "mean looking zombie",and always cool!:heh:
Ive been wanting to get this tattoo since a long time!!
Hey E.O.G got pics of yours? It would surely help..

I'm a huge fan of tattoos, but I remain unconvinced by album artwork etc as a tattoo.

Often there is a lot of little detail, that looks great for the first year or so and after that just fades.

None of my current tattoos contain colour, they are all black, and starting to turn a little blue if I am honest. My most recent one, that I had done in Dublin, is fine, but my dragon is fading fast, not sure if they might have used cheap inks or not, was from a reputable place.

The thing is, it is your body, if you want to show off your tattoo then thats great, but you have to think, will eddie look so good in 30 or 40 years time?

The thing is, it is your body, if you want to show off your tattoo then thats great, but you have to think, will eddie look so good in 30 or 40 years time?

That is exactly what stops me from getting off my ass and getting the tattoo done right now!
Iam also into psychedelics and probably want some good psy tattoos later. As the Eddie is gonna occupy my entire back im pretty scared cuz it may not look really good or may not suit me.
There are many places where you can get henna tattoos, so how about getting a trial one done in henna to see what you think? If it's on your back, it's easy to cover up if you don't want to show it off. I have a tattoo on each ankle and the reason I chose those places is because it's easy for me to cover up. I have to say, if you are at all unsure about a tattoo - DON'T GET IT! Make sure you are 100% postive that this is what you want.
That is exactly what stops me from getting off my ass and getting the tattoo done right now!
Iam also into psychedelics and probably want some good psy tattoos later. As the Eddie is gonna occupy my entire back im pretty scared cuz it may not look really good or may not suit me.

I went with stock tattoos. Although I am currently designing one myself now.

I have both upper arms tattood. I have a japanese (Kanji I think its called) character, meaning strength. A Celtic Shield (done in Dublin) on my left arm, and a Dragon on my right arm from my shoulder down to my elbow.



A tattoo on your back will be painfull, its not excruciating....its dependant on your pain tolerance. And on your back the aftercare is going to be a little awkward. Its highly unlikely that it will be done in one sitting, your skin can only take so much and eventually the tattooist will need to stop also.

For reference, my dragon took 1.5 hours, and the celtic shield took 1 hour. I have a friend who has his whole upper arm covered in black flmaes and it took 7 hours for that to be done.
Ive been wanting to get this tattoo since a long time!!
Hey E.O.G got pics of yours? It would surely help..

I only got 2 pics,and definitely not the best quality pics,but here you go:



All I have to say to you,if I would have the opportunity to get a powerslave tattoo on my back,I would get the whole album cover,with the pyramid,the big Eddie statue,the Anubis statues,and the hieroglyphics on the wall,all colored! But it's probably just me,because I love both the Eddie graphics,and the whole egyptian stuff too.Come to think of it,I HAVE a powerslave tattoo on my upper left arm,that was my very first tattoo,just the Eddie pharaoh mask,it was made 5 yrs ago,but it's still looks like it would be brand-new,and I love it to death! But listen to Jenna,if you're not 100% sure about you want it - DON'T GET IT!

And as for Timewarrior:If you have a faded tattoo,that's the artist's fault! He/she either didn't use a quality ink,or the tattooing technology that he/she used wasn't proper.That's why I'm so happy that I was lucky to meet my tattoo artist,he did a perfect job! My tattoos aren't faded at all in the last 5 yrs!
I got a tatt on my lower back, 2 hours of pain, not so bad but I certainly did not want to stop and take a break. The after care wasn't so bad, trying to find a pair of pants or skirt that didn't hit right on it for a few days was difficult but other than that, it's all good now!!
And as for Timewarrior:If you have a faded tattoo,that's the artist's fault! He/she either didn't use a quality ink,or the tattooing technology that he/she used wasn't proper.That's why I'm so happy that I was lucky to meet my tattoo artist,he did a perfect job! My tattoos aren't faded at all in the last 5 yrs!

Its actually my dragon tattoo thats faded, it still looks like it does on the picture, but close up, the black inks are getting the usual blue tint to them, the tatoo was done by the same artist that did the Kanji tattoo, that has not faded at all, so it could have been a bad batch of ink or it could have been over exposure to UV light or something (I was working at a sunbed place when I had it done). It was incidently also the same artist that sat for 7 hours doing my mates black flames tattoo (that has not faded either).

I dunno, thinking about getting it re-done with some more design around it anyway, problem is that studio has now closed and not sure if the guys moved to another location or not, most (respectable) artists wont touch a tattoo done by another artist in the same town, so it means I am going to have to travel.
My original thought was yeah, black & white. But after seeing the ink on E.O.G., GOTTA GO COLOR! Very cool tats there E.O.G.! I also agree with E.O.G. about getting the entire Powerslave cover done. The back is a big body part and all the details would make a killer piece. You have the rest of your body for the Psych stuff! Start saving the paychecks and go 4 it!!!
Thanks a lot guys. You've been a great help. And yea those tattoos look killer man!:worship: