PP USA XII Audience: Hear tracks from Iced Earth's "Dystopia!"

I think that should erase any doubts anyone may have about the future legacy of Iced Earth.
Not entirely - I admit, Stu sounds even better than I was hoping, but I'm also concerned with what kind of album Jon has written. I'm a huge IE fan, but "Crucuble of Man" felt uninspired to me in the songwriting department. Re-releasing a new version of a 16 year old song doesn't address those concerns.
You will have 5 songs on Friday to help ease your concerns...
That's awesome, and regardless of who called whom first, I think it's killer that 1) you continue to add value to your fans in a variety of different ways and 2) Jon/IE/BW&BK recognize the value in working with you on something like this. I generally wander around between sets and/or run back to the hotel, but you can bet I'll be staying in the theater for this. :grin:

When it comes down to it, "Dystopia" will be a blind buy for me regardless of how the songs sound, because Iced Earth is and has been my favorite band. My main point in my earlier post was that while Stu sounds awesome on "Dante's Inferno", I doubt I'm the only fan whose concerns about IE's future aren't limited to who's singing.
Sound awesome. Can't wait to hear it. I haven't really liked the last two IE albums, but all the interviews recently has really got me thinking Jon has a new passion for the band.
You will have 5 songs on Friday to help ease your concerns...

The tone of this post leads me to believe that you
1.have heard this
2.think this is the CD many Iced Earth fans have been waiting for for the past decade(Only one that left me with a case of limp dick was Framing Armageddon)
I've been bored with IE for the past few records, but just so you know the, tracks that were played....holy shit. Only one that bored me. The rest were GREAT.
The new Iced Earth stuff that was play was Rocking SO Hard, I can not wait for it to come out. I had no idea Stu would sound that great, having him is like having both Barlow and Ripper, and he is such a laid back cool dude, he is going to help that band BIG time.
I really would have to listen to it again. I wasn't impressed but that has nothing to do with Stu. He sounds great. The songs just didn't grab me. And was it just me or were there a couple of the songs that sounded a bit too upbeat for IE?
I really would have to listen to it again. I wasn't impressed but that has nothing to do with Stu. He sounds great. The songs just didn't grab me. And was it just me or were there a couple of the songs that sounded a bit too upbeat for IE?

Hey if any of the songs sound upbeat like "violate", color me impressed....
I'm looking forward to the CD. Hopefully the balls and chunk are still there...