ICED EARTH / SYMPHONY X North American Tour Announced (correct info)

Stu sounds pretty damn good on here, and he has definitely toned down his stage antics...still a little bit goofy but nowhere near how he was in Into Eternity. And he doesn't start shadow boxing every five minutes, so...he's got that goin' for him too!
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As it was a Finberg fiasco, I imagine that it was offered to Mosh Pit Army, and at a considerable sum of money with 3 bands on the bill. Be that as it is, I imagine that it would have to have gone into the Marquee Theater, where SyX just played.

I have no idea how they did a few months ago there, but I know the BG show only sold about 250-300 tickets, if that.

My guess is that all in all, this would've set any promoter in phoenix back around $20-$30,000 right off the bat, with the ability to add maybe 2 locals. Iced Earth hasn't been to these parts in a very, very long time and SyX was JUST here.

Honestly, at $30, even $40 a ticket, do you think this show would have recouped it's money here? You were at the Cage show.

Pat with all due respect Milton is right, the Cage show is not a fair comparison. IE played in November 2008 at the Marquee to a good sized crowd. SX played there earlier this year to a crowd slightly bigger than Blind Guardian who you referenced in your post. I really think they could have drawn 700-1000 at the Marquee which would have been a good crowd. If it was offered to Mosh Pit Army it would have been at the Clubhouse and that would easily have sold out as it only holds 500. The Marquee shows are through Luckymanonline productions. There are also other options too like the Nile Theatre, Venue of Scottsdale and a new place downtown called the Foundry on First. I guess it just bugs me that a tour with two bands that have solid fanbases would skip the what? 6th largest city in the US and 14th largest metro area, but play places like Salt Lake City, Vegas, and 3 shows in So Cal.
Have you been there recently? I stayed away for the same reason for the longest time, but when I caught Volbeat there a few months ago I noticed that the area seems dramatically improved.

I saw my first metal show, there. Dragonforce. :lol: I'd happily see Iced Earth there, but I'll be sad that Symphony X won't be joining them!
I guess I'm just displeased because of a personal bias I have dealing with the whole situation. I know a band that worked their asses off and got overlooked primarily thanks to a certain bane of the north american touring scene.
I guess I'm just displeased because of a personal bias I have dealing with the whole situation. I know a band that worked their asses off and got overlooked primarily thanks to a certain bane of the north american touring scene.

I hear you - but if anything, I learned that getting bitter won't get anyone anywhere. Time to move on and focus on the next opportunity. It's a business after all - can't really get personal in situations like that. Sucks but what can you do?
I see your point, but is that a fair comparison?

Yes. Why? Because Cage has a considerably smaller fanbase and none of them showed up. The show cost significantly less money to put on and the bands didn't get paid because of the poor turnout on a Friday night.

The comparison comes because you're talking about a very, very large investment in club rental, band payment, support, and intangables, with a very high ticket cost in a market that has been dying for some time.

Yes, MPA could've thrown this gig in the clubhouse and maybe it would've sold out, but being that SYX was JUST here and IE has changed singers twice since they were here last, I really doubt there would be 300 people there, as it would need to be on a Sunday Night. Putting it in Downtown Phoenix would be an absolute DISASTER. MPA deals mainly with Thrash and Death, guarenteed money makers now. He's told me how much he's been losing on other shows because no one shows up.

Symphony X just played the Marquee with Luckyman, and while I don't know the details of how it went, I don't think they're going to pick up the same band for a very large amount of money with Iced Earth 7 months later. It would be a massive, massive gamble and a very expensive one at that.

Promising Threat Entertainment doesn't follow through on paying people (ows me STILL for the Widow show) and deals with small local shows, and certainly does not have the backing for a large scale tour like this.

Arizona Events may have been able to pick this up for the Nile. They're the only ones I could imagine would have any actual interest in doing it, honestly, and I don't know enough about the venue or the company to tell you one way or the other if they were even offered the tour. Likely, Finberg shopped it to Tony and Luckyman, who both said no thanks for the reasons mentioned above.

Maybe I'm wrong, I'm just speculating based on what i know of the phoenix market.
I guess I'm just displeased because of a personal bias I have dealing with the whole situation. I know a band that worked their asses off and got overlooked primarily thanks to a certain bane of the north american touring scene.

While I agree with 2 bands with large draws by themselves would be enough to draw people out, and it would have been very nice to see another band given the opportunity to break out, it is a business decision and what is going to sell tickets. Obviously, Warbringer will do that, or so it's assumed.

And it's not to say they were overlooked. It's very possible they were considered, just not chosen. You don't get everything you want all the time. This is a business first. gotta remember that.
It's pretty safe to say that for the most part, this is a tour that doesn't 'need' openers. Iced Earth and Symphony X draw just fine on their own. So why not use that as a way for one of your bands to get exposure and promotion? Remember, this isn't a charity, it's a business. While the thought is nice to include more 'up-and-coming' bands on the tour as a nice gesture, it's an even nicer thought to see your go-to-band get more fans and in turn, get more money. Warbringer certainly has crossover appeal to this crowd and if the criteria for 'deserving' this tour is 'hard work', has pretty much every touring metal band out there beaten.
Yes God forbid Mr. F actually do something charitable in his career. :lol:

anyways...I'm looking forward to seeing Stu on stage with IE if I even get a chance to get to one of the shows.
I'm looking forward to seeing Stu on stage with IE if I even get a chance to get to one of the shows.

Ill be getting my original 'stop being a pussy' poster signed by jon, hopefully. it would be interesting to finally be able to meet the riff master and chat.
This is going to be a killer tour :D
And Stu kicks ass :worship:, we couldn't hope for a better singer to replace the great Matt Barlow :rock: I'm looking forward to seeing them live again soon :)