PP XII discography


Sep 11, 2010
Heart of Dixie
Holy crap. As someone pointed out on another thread, the disc catalogs for the bands playing at XII are huge. I think Haken and Creation's End are the only bands with just one release. I'm drowning in a sea of incredible music, trying to get up to speed for September. Throwing in new releases that I just have to have, and older discs that I am just discovering, has left my head spinning. I'm a bachelor this weekend while the Mrs. goes home to see her family, so aside from the general belching, scratching, and facial hair growth that accompanies my solo weekends, I am going to be blasting a lot of music that is new to me.

Wish me luck!
Holy crap. As someone pointed out on another thread, the disc catalogs for the bands playing at XII are huge. I think Haken and Creation's End are the only bands with just one release. I'm drowning in a sea of incredible music, trying to get up to speed for September.

Sounds like I'm a little ahead of you, only had Darkwater and one Evergrey disc prior to the announcements. I have at least one CD from each band now and have quite a bit of the back catalog for several.

If you move backwards through Therion's catalog the first couple of discs are shockingly different (but still interesting).

Good luck and enjoy!
So far I've listened, in depth, to at least one cd from every band. Neighborhell, Fear of Infinity, The Book of Heavy Metal, Glorious Collision, In Search of Truth, and Labyrinth s/t and Element V all need additional listens this weekend.
A lot of the bands I was familiar with for this lineup, compared to previous years. But still, there definitely is a lot of discs to cover between all the bands. The ones that have been needing the biggest introduction are Evergrey and Eldritch for me. I can only imagine though what it must be for those trying to get into Therion's discography.
Ihsahn's discography (not just his solo stuff but all the other bands he's involved with) could probably take up your whole weekend, heh.
The ones that have been needing the biggest introduction are Evergrey and Eldritch for me.

You can thank me in Atlanta.



(By the way, the last few clips are all from the ISoT album. I *strongly* recommend you buy this before September and listen to it a few times. It is Evergrey's magnum opus. I am so glad they're doing the whole album in its entirety, it will be more of a night to remember than their DVD "A Night to Remember".
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You can thank me in Atlanta.









(By the way, the last few clips are all from the ISoT album. I *strongly* recommend you buy this before September and listen to it a few times. It is Evergrey's magnum opus. I am so glad they're doing the whole album in its entirety, it will be more of a night to remember than their DVD "A Night to Remember".

To clarify, I have already been going through their discography. Just saying theirs and Eldritch's have the most extensive discography of the discs I didn't have. Thanks for the thought though.
I can only imagine though what it must be for those trying to get into Therion's discography.

I have JUST gotten to the point where I can hear a track from Therion's Sitra come on the iPod and not clench my fist, forcing myself to listen. I'm not saying I "get it" yet, but I certainly appreciate the work that went into the music.

I absolutely 100% know it will be a wild ride live, however.

Dream Evil, Red Circuit, and Mob Rules sound like they should put on really straight up, in your face good stage shows. I hope Voyager live holds up. The ones I really hope live up to their sound on disc are Labyrinth and While Heaven Wept... really complex music cannot always be reproduced live, but these guys seem to have been together long enough that I am very optimistic.
I have JUST gotten to the point where I can hear a track from Therion's Sitra come on the iPod and not clench my fist, forcing myself to listen. I'm not saying I "get it" yet, but I certainly appreciate the work that went into the music.

I absolutely 100% know it will be a wild ride live, however.

Dream Evil, Red Circuit, and Mob Rules sound like they should put on really straight up, in your face good stage shows. I hope Voyager live holds up. The ones I really hope live up to their sound on disc are Labyrinth and While Heaven Wept... really complex music cannot always be reproduced live, but these guys seem to have been together long enough that I am very optimistic.

I'm not gonna lie...can't get into Therion's new stuff for the most part. The only albums by them that I LOVE are their first few from back when they were a death metal band. Don't care about anything else, really.

But live, man, they're a completely different beast. Absolutely killer. Well worth watching.
My experience with ProgPower is that I usually know 1/3 of the bands really well at lineup announcement and after exploring the other bands that I wasn't familiar with; I usually find that I really enjoy half of those bands. This is actually one of the things that I really like about the festival - getting to know bands that expand my listening interests. Hell, there have been a few bands that at line-up I thought "Glenn, you've got to be kidding" and then I go on to really enjoy them. DSO is the poster child in this case. I still grin when I think about their performance!

Of the bands that I didn't know well this year, so far I am really getting into Voyager, Mob Rules, and Sanctuary. Voyager fits very well with my progressive preference - I really like Element V. Thrash is another favorite genre and I like Nevermore, so Sanctuary is resonating as well. The biggest surprise for me, so far, is Mob Rules. There is something about their name and artwork that said "mindless powermetal" to me, but Mob Rules really stands out with their emphasis on melody and sophisticated song writing. I find that I like their most recent releases the most, both of which have extended pieces. Their most recent CD has an 18 minute epic about the assassination of President Kennedy - nothing mindless here. To be honest, Therion for me is a bit like your first sip of Jack Daniels - but by festival time I will probably be hooked. Also, I am finding that Dream Evil is pretty easy to get into.

There will probably be a few bands that after giving them a try I will decide to go shopping, drinking, or socializing during their set, which is fine too. Actually, this year the overall lineup is so damn good that I am concerned that I won't have enough time to shop, drink, and socialize. Not a bad problem to have!
I created a PP XII playlist on my iPod that I continually have running while I'm at the gym. Of this year's acts, Voyager, Haken, WHW, Darkwater, Labyrinth and Mob Rules are likely to have a lot of songs join Vanden Plas and Evergrey on other playlists I have created. I'm ready for September!
Voyager clicked with me instantly. Can't believe I had never followed up on that band before now. WOW. My wife wants to transfer her sponsorship over to Voyager! Ha ha.

This is my SECOND try with Therion....too much for my simple mind I think.

Creation's End is just not doing it. 4 FTB spins on that CD and nothing is clicking.

Red Circuit's newest is decent enough. Haven't listened to anything else.

I was only familiar with "Sons of Thunder" and "6 Days To Nowhere" from Labryinth. Liking the other stuff too. Should be fun.

Haven't started on Isahn or Sanctuary yet, but the youtube clips are not promising. Those "get to know a band" threads have been AWESOME!

Everyone else I was already familiar with. Can't wait for Dream Evil!!!!!