PP XM radio stations?


Living the dream!
Oct 8, 2002
Somewhere at 33,000'
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Are there any XM radio stations that play ProgPower type music? I'm starting to work on my multi-engine time building, and they plane I'm gonna be flying has XM radio. Good music will make the time that much more enjoyable.
I was checking out the channel guide a while back, and there was very little of interest to me. I think they had you're typical 80's hair metal channel, and also another station of more recent core type metal. I don't think you'd get much prog or power from any of these satellite radio providers.

Are there any XM radio stations that play ProgPower type music? I'm starting to work on my multi-engine time building, and they plane I'm gonna be flying has XM radio. Good music will make the time that much more enjoyable.

Once in a blue moon XM 41 (Boneyard) used to play some metal including power metal when XM 42 (Liquid Metal) was removed from the lineup. XM 42 has since returned to the lineup, but that focuses more on thrash and death metal.

Sirius isn't much better with Sirius 27 (Hard Attack), like XM 42, focuses mostly on thrash and death metal. Once in a while you'll hear DragonForce's Through The Fire and Flames but that's about it.

I have subscriptions to both XM and Sirius (don't ask) but am considering dropping one or both. I subscribed before I came a Prog/Power metal fan. Now that I have an iPod loaded with my own music, I really don't listen to either one anymore. But if one of them started carrying a power metal or prog/power metal channel, I'd keep that one and drop the other one.

But for now its the iPod that has what I want... 80 GB fifth generation version that's about 1/2 full and adding more all the time! :rock: :kickass:
The only station that I have heard any type of prog/power type music was on XM-41 "The Boneyard". I've heard Stratovarious, Hammerfall, Cornerstone, Edguy, Axel Rudi Pell, Nocturnal Rites, Helloween, Dream Theater, and a couple others that I cannot remember of hand on occasion. You'll also hear alot of Black Sabbath, Priest, Queensryche, and of course, Rush, and many others as well. Unfortunatly, you have to sit through alot of tired of banel "hair metal" get to to the "good stuff" (Really? How many friggan times do I need to hear Poison's "Every Rose has it's Thorn" or Warrant's "Cherry Pie"?) However, it has been awhile since I've listened for any real length of time, so I don't even know if they still play that stuff on there. Would be friggan nice if they would add a "dedicated" power/prog station.

XM-42 "Liquid Metal" might play more, but everytime I turn it on, it seems they are playing another "-core" group with nothing but a bunch of screaming and monotonous thrashing of guitars.

They used to have a station called "The Lab" that played progressive rock and fusion jazz. I've heard all kinds of good stuff on there, such as Pocupine Tree, more Dream Theater, Spock's Beard, ELP, and many others. Alas, they took it away (bastards!).
I gave up on XM. However, if you are an AOL customer, AOL Radio DOES have a Power/Prog station called, oddly enough, "Power". It has got some great stuff (Nightwish, Rhapsody, Therion, get the picture?).

At leaast you can hear the stuff you like while you are reading this board. When I am on the road? That is why God made 6-CD Changers. :)
They Boneyard plays lots of Prog/power as i have heard Nightwish, Rob Rock, CoB, and tons of others there.
Well it doesn't sound too promising. Since I will be flying with other guys, I don't want them thinking that the music I listen to is hair metal, or in any way associated with hair metal. Bummer.
I gave up on XM. However, if you are an AOL customer, AOL Radio DOES have a Power/Prog station called, oddly enough, "Power". It has got some great stuff (Nightwish, Rhapsody, Therion, get the picture?).

At leaast you can hear the stuff you like while you are reading this board.

Oh yeah, I've listened to that myself. The only royally sucky thing is that they block it at work, so I cannot listen to it there. Friggan sucks majorly!

At home, I just queue up a bunch of CDs and/or MP3s and let them rip through the big stereo!

When I am on the road? That is why God made 6-CD Changers. :)

And head units with iPod interfaces as well as iPods! Nothing like loading up some 30-gigs of goodness. :kickass:
Even without a head unit and interface....I've found that a cassette adapter works great with my iPod. Another 80 gig 5th gen, and mine's only got about 4 gigs free now. :rock:

Not all of it is metal, of course. For the 75-min. ride to the GA RennFaire morning and evening, it's awesome. :kickass:
I gave up on XM. However, if you are an AOL customer, AOL Radio DOES have a Power/Prog station called, oddly enough, "Power". It has got some great stuff (Nightwish, Rhapsody, Therion, get the picture?).

That is true.. but the audio quality isn't all that great... equivalent to a 96kbps MP3. The selection is good though.

At leaast you can hear the stuff you like while you are reading this board. When I am on the road? That is why God made 6-CD Changers. :)

Or like I said in my previous post - an iPod. In my car I have the FM converter, but in my wife's car it has a new Alpine radio with an iPod interface! :rock: :kickass: