PPVI Sampler Favorites

A few of you mentioned Pyramaze as favorites. Were you all paying attention Saturday night when Lance was playing the new one over the PA during Strats set up? It sounds killer....I can't wait for it to come out! IMO, Lance has found his main band!
That Ezra Stone track was the last one a bunch of us (four of the six Ezra Stone members) played on before leaving to form Archaic Reign. I am glad you liked it. It is also the first recording I did with my Engl Powerball amplifier.
Ummm, wow! I'm really honored that the track is going over so well :D

Thanks to Deron for the track placement! You already know, but it's a bit of a dream come true for me to be following Ray and Redemption.

Thank you for the kudos! I'll be passing them along to DC and the rest of the PD guys. I can't quite say how pleased I am to read these comments. Much appreciated!
MetalAges said:
Did anyone else think the Azrael's Bane track (kick ass) is stylistically inspired by Pink Cream 69? (look Mom, I used stylistically in a sentence!)

Hmmmm.. I didn't think of that! Maybe it's because I'm not totally familiar with PC69's material. After hearing them live, I kinda got the jist of their style so I'll go back and listen to Azrael's Bane with that in mind.
Thor Intrepid said:
That Ezra Stone track was the last one a bunch of us (four of the six Ezra Stone members) played on before leaving to form Archaic Reign. I am glad you liked it. It is also the first recording I did with my Engl Powerball amplifier.

Sounds interesting! What happened that you guys have left like that?
Uh, um, "creative differences".

I was actually suprised to see that that track was on the sampler! I missed out going to the show this year, I was too late in the ticket purchase (already sold out). Although I did get to see Therion (the main reason why I wanted to go to PP this year) at the House of Blues here in Orlando this past Sunday.
i have not listened to it myself yet, but i can say that we were listening to it in Bryant's room before the show and he played that Firewind song like 20 times and I had no chance to listen to rest...... LOL
Good song though, I should be able to play the damn thing by now....
AngraRULES said:
Dead Nature. No doubts about that one!

Are you serious? I mean musically it's pretty good, but that singer has got to be the worst singer I've ever heard. It sounds like he's being strangled while he's singing. Horrid.
Well, I have to agree that it's kind of shocking when you first hear it... You totally expect a different type of singing when you hear the intro... but it got me after a few listens...

The singing throughout the album is not exactly similar but not that different either... I don't know, maybe you can give it a chance =)
I thought that Firewind's "Tyranny" totally kicks ass. A friend of mine is a fan of theirs but I hadn't heard them before. That track made me anxious to get some more of their stuff.

Oh yeah, and Paul should have your sampler CD. We had an extra one left over after the festival so we knew it had to belong to you.
It always takes a few listens to find more stuff I like from the samplers. I was dissapointed with alot of the stuff on the new sampler, but I will sit down and listen to some of it tonight. I'm actually listening to the PP4 sampler right now, there is alot of stuff on there I like alot more now, especially Paul Bowman :grin: :loco:

I hope that guy doesn't turn out to be a member on this forum :err: