PPVI Sampler Favorites

AngraRULES said:
Well, I have to agree that it's kind of shocking when you first hear it... You totally expect a different type of singing when you hear the intro... but it got me after a few listens...

The singing throughout the album is not exactly similar but not that different either... I don't know, maybe you can give it a chance =)

Same, Same

But Different

rottingflesh said:
i have not listened to it myself yet, but i can say that we were listening to it in Bryant's room before the show and he played that Firewind song like 20 times and I had no chance to listen to rest...... LOL
Good song though, I should be able to play the damn thing by now....

Hey it wasn't 20 times !! Maybe six or seven though... I am not embarrassed to say I will listen to a song two or three times to get it out of my head, but it is rare for me to play one over and over and over. Though a "sing-a-long" anthem is not usually my cup of tea, that Firewind song absolutely floored me. Great guitar work by Gus G and awesome vocals by Chitral. It is ashamed Chitral (Chity Lanka) and Firewind split ways.

longshot9 said:
Are you serious? I mean musically it's pretty good, but that singer has got to be the worst singer I've ever heard. It sounds like he's being strangled while he's singing. Horrid.

I just heard it yesterday and the intro immediately caught my ear!! It kicked ass!! Then, the singer came in and it sounded like Rod Stewart on speed!! But when he sings high (the notes, not him!!), it's almost like his voice morphs into Tobias Sammet (or you fill in the blank)!! I'm gonna have to hear it some more, but that is a freaky voice!! Overall, I think I like it!!

Chris :rock:
I liked the 3rd disc the best overall ...

Theocracy was just amazing! Matt has such a great voice. I had to listen to this one multiple times (I couldn't stop from skipping back to it!) cux it was so good!

I already own FireWind's CD and "Tyranny" kicks ass!

I got a promo last year for War Machine and saw them at Chicago Power Fest - they're awesome!

Avian was really good too, I think Lance sounds better with them than with Pyramaze (which is still good too)

I also really liked the Azrael's Bane song from the first CD.

I'll have to go back and check which others I really liked, I know there was more! Great job putting it together.
sh0kr0k said:
*has a new friend*
I'm lucky to have Miles Beyond as a local band here in MI! :kickass:

Cool! :cool:
BTW, I was at the Therion show in St. Louis the night before your show. Turnout, I'm guessing, was 200 or so but we were loud and Therion put on a great show for us.
twist said:
Cool! :cool:
BTW, I was at the Therion show in St. Louis the night before your show. Turnout, I'm guessing, was 200 or so but we were loud and Therion put on a great show for us.

Right on! We had about 250-300, thanks in part to one of the opening bands literally bringing a bus full of their friends! None of them knew who Therion was, but they all ended up on the floor, moshing, dancing, and LOVING the band! :cool:

Care to join me in a Suspyre chant??

:rock: :rock: SUS-PY-RE! SUS-PY-RE! SUS-PY-RE!! :rock: :rock:
twist said:
Sure! :)

:rock: :rock: :yell: SUS-PY-RE! SUS-PY-RE! SUS-PY-RE!! :rock: :rock:

(waiting for my CD to arrive)

Are you familiar with www.MySpace.com?? Well, a few weeks before PP, these guys put in a friend request on my profile. I kept them in the queue until I could listen to them (if I accepted right away they'd vanish into the abyss of my friends list but I was really excited to hear them) so I finally listened and I fell in love with them! Then, to my extreme delight, they appear on the sampler with my favorite song of their's! :grin:

And Miles Beyond - they just totally rule! No way around it!
Was I the only one who heard Mirror Black and Laughed my ass off? ... the band itself sounds great but when that Singer starts trying to do his best Warrel Dane I cant help but Laugh .... Maybe its just me :loco: