PQ News update


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
The band will be entering Remaster Studio in Vicenza on October 25th to begin recording the fourth Power Quest album. First up will be Francesco Tresca and drum tracking. Ahead of that the band will be gathering in Italy during the first week of October to finalise the songs for the album from the 15 songs that have been written.

Steve Williams will be heading out to Poland on October 27th to take part in a musical written by Clive Nolan (Arena) which is being performed on October 31st in Katowice. There will be also be a CD and DVD release next year. The musical is based on the H. Rider Haggard novel "She".You can discover more about the musical and the Caamora project

Don't forget,we are offering a 25% discount on all orders from the Power Quest shop at CCNOW. All you need to obtain the discount is the following code..... NP4Y2W
That's seriously awesome news Steve! But "begin recording" I thought you guys were done and dusted! :lol: So dya think you're looking at a Winter or Spring release? Any ETAs?
We did some demos back in May but we have been holding back on the recording until the new deal was finalised. Originally we were planning to record last Autumn but then the angra tour came up (which we had to finance ourselves) and then the need to sort out a new deal. Given that recording will take until late November/early December by the time everything is mixed I would anticipate April 2008 as there will have to be enough time given for promotional activities.
Interestingly since the Angra tour and the new deal (which I hope we can announce soon) I've had another writing buzz so there are a number of new songs!