PQ speaks out on UK riot situation


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Power Quest comment on London riots

"Is this what we call being Civilised?"

Watching the recent events unfolding in London and elsewhere in the country has compelled me to put my thoughts down on paper. I cannot believe that in the 21st century, and in a supposedly civilised society, we are witnessing such disgraceful and shameful acts of criminal damage, violence, theft and intimidation.

I was listening to the BBC coverage into the small hours this morning and was appalled, not only by the perpetrators themselves, but also by those who were just standing by and watching and generally getting in the way of police and other emergency services who were just trying to do their job and deal with what was, and still is, a horrific situation.

There is no justification for stealing someone elses possessions or trashing their property that they have worked so hard for over the years. Running amok and wearing masks is not only disorderly but cowardly as well. If violence is your belief system then at least have the courage to show your face!

Moreover I even saw, on one live broadcast from Croydon, people laughing and joking in the background while the reporter told us of homes being destroyed and businesses being razed to the ground. It just beggars belief in my humble opinion.

I would like to say that my thoughts and those of Paul, Andy, Rich, Gav and Chity are very much with those affected by these shameful acts and I hope that we don't see the violence spreading further across our country although, sadly, it seems that this has already happened. The vast majority of UK residents are peaceful, decent people and
between us we will never let hooligans and thugs dictate to the rest of us.

"If you listen to fools.....the Mob Rules".

Stay safe everyone

Steve Williams 9/8/11

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Very true. Good to hear you guys speak out over this!

It's completely and utterly pointless, just mindless idiocy. Hopefully it'll be resolved soon, thoughts are with anyone who's affected..
I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I looked at photographs and videos yesterday. Absolutely unbelievable. Who has such little morality that they feel no remorse about doing these kinds of things? I'm flabbergasted at what these fools have "accomplished."

My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in the UK, I really hope our fellow forum members are safe and that everyone else avoids harm as well.
Good to see your words have made it to Blabbermouth. The world needs to be aware of the shit that's currently going on. I just hope it doesn't flare up again...there's apparently a very heavy Police presence in my area currently, but I'm not really going out unless I have to.
I felt it was important to speak out on this issue...ok I'm nobody important in the grand scheme of things but it seemed like an opportunity to get the opinion of the average person out there.

I'm sure there will be lots of retarded comments from people to the Blabbermouth article but anyone who thinks that this is the answer to anything clearly has no grasp on reality whatsoever.

Andy and those of you in London......stay safe!
Well said Mr Williams. There's plenty which goes as read in regard to this whole outrageous hooliganism, decent human beings categorically condemn these actions. The question right now is addressing the grievances which may have helped fuel all this whilst bringing swift and proportional justice to every last one of these criminals and those complicit.
Well said Steve

The worrying thing now is that it isn't just being limited to London with idiots cropping up around the country

You just feel that excessive police (or army) force might need to be employed to quell the situation, but it might make it worse
It really is horrifying. There is certainly no excuse for it in my opinion, but it was interesting to hear a brief interview on Radio 1 which I heard earlier whilst I was at work, the interviewee being someone who supports the rioting.

I can't remember his exact words, but he was basically saying that the people involved have "had enough" and that this is their response because "it's all we know".

It is frightening that any one person takes this attitude towards it, never mind what must be at least thousands of people.
I think if you are brought up properly, by parents who teach you real values, you wouldn't even entertain the idea of behaving in this neanderthal manner. I suspect that this is at the heart of the problem.

I guess we also have to make the distinction between the rioters and those opportunistic thieves who follow in the wake of the violence to steal what has been left behind.

I take my hat off to those communities who are clearing up after the past few days and also those who are defending their properties and families too. Fair play to some of the football fans out there last night who seriously advised the looters and rioters to keep well out of their way as well.