

Dead and dripping
Jul 8, 2002
South England
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hey...i have played guitar for about 8-9 years now and i find myself playing for about 3 hours per day at the moment, i would like to do more but i just cant find the time. how often do other people practise?, and what do you do when you practise?, warm-ups, scales etc......

i write music as often as possible but i gig very rarely because my bands keep on falling often do you lot gig?

I should practice everyday but I usually pick it up when I have an urge or I'm trying to finnish a song.I practice a few scales and songs that I need to refine.Right now were looking for a drummer so we don't wish to gig right now.If you practice really that much you'll be fine.3hrs is probably what alot of professional musicians do.
i find that i'm most productive, and have a lot more fun, when i take 2-3 days off from playing. you're playing will be a lot more energetic and inspired. man...i couldn't handle 3 hour practice sessions. hehe.
hmm well right now i am practicing around 6 to 9 hours a day , i am practicing legato's and sweeping and tapping mostly :)
damn i have to get back to my speed pickin stuff ;)

i really don't know how people can practice 3 hours a day and that is enough for them !!! i wish i could do that !

9 hours a day is still not enough for me :rolleyes:

am i doin somethin wrong ?

do i need to play more of the other techniques ???

i spend like 5 hours on sweepin and 2 hours on legato and a little little of tappin !!!
I think I'm burnt out. I don't even wanna look at my guitar. Been happening for 3 days. Kinda scary, but don't wanna force myself to pick it up and then sound like shit cause I don't wanna play. But before I used to throw in 4-5hrs a day almost at a time. No job, no girlfriend, all friends have cars and girlfriends = way too much freaking free time on my hands
Sometimes it's good if you just don't pick up your guitar for a week.

I only practice 30min to a couple hours...

It's not the amount of time you practice, but the quality of it...

Serious stretches, warm up followed by routine excercizes, then going through everything you play regularly...
That's probably it. I feel like I hit a dead end and I don't get anywhere when I play. I found a site that teaches theory, so guess I'll work on thatfor a bit to see if it'll jog the inspiration
I'm with xenophobe on this one. Hit the nail on the head. The breaks in playing allow for inspiration and time to think about what particular area you want to concentrate on. I attempted to practice for an hour and a half everyday, and it eventually began to feel like a chore and be monotonous. Now I pick up the axe about 4 days out of the week and devote whatever time I feel necessary to complete whatever routine I'm working on (e.g. sweeps, legattos, speed, scales....etc.)
I practice whenever i feel like it. I sometimes play for an hour and sometimes i play for 2 hours, its all depends on how i feel. When i practice i sometimes do scales, but mostly i jsut fool around and sometimes make cool riffs. I eventually make them into songs. I would jsut practice whenever you have an urge.
i tend to practise most days of the week for as long as i can up to about 2 hours, it mostly ends up being more like 30 mins to an hour, 5 or 6 days a week

when i practise i warm up, then i practise some alt picking and simple skips, sweeps a little legato for a while then either sit and make some riffs or put on some music and solo to it, anything from blues, rock, prog to metal.

keeps me happy :)
Right now I'm writing so I don't really practice in the general sense. I practice the songs I write so I record them, but that's it. When I'm done with the cd I'm going to hit theory land again. When I do this, I do my set practice which means scales, new chords, and speed drills which takes about two hours. Then if I feel like it, I'll either dig into more theory crap, or just jam for a couple more hours. But no more than 4 to 4.5 hrs a day. It'll burn you out. Like was said before, it's not the amount of time you practice, but the quality.
Can any of you guys recommend any good sites or books for learning technical skills or anything? I've been playing for about 6 years, and I'm fairly good, but I've never had any formal training. When I started I learned a few chords, and the rest of the time I learned to play by playing other peoples songs. And now I feel like I'm stagnating, so I wanna learn some more shit, cuz every time I write a riff it always sounds like something James Hetfield or Jesper Stromblad would write. Not that that's neccessarily a bad thing, I just wanna try to develop my own style. Thanks in advance.:D
i have been playing for 8 years and i am taught by a professional guitarist but when i want to do something for myself and work out/improve technicques, i just type it in the search bar and do a search and it should come up with hundreds of sites, sorry i can point out anything specific, i also have numerous handbooks but they are pretty crap.