"Praises To The War Machine" Pre-listening streaming!

For me yep. Not sure if it's my olding age or if I'm just burnt out, but there is very little any more that yanks my chain.
I find this interesting.
"I had always wanted to work with a songwriter that had a more song based approach rather than focusing on technical skills"
“I've worked on these songs over the course of the last two years and the purpose of doing this project was to step out of the confines of Nevermore and focus on coming up with memorable songs instead of constructing songs that showcased everyone’s skills."
Perhaps this is why I like DNB so much. We all know the dudes in Nevermore can wank (play). Now let's see some songs.

Song Dynamics man.,.:kickass:

Exactly man.
Goosebumps! When We Pray is really an awesome song!! I'm getting into the rest of them right now. Well done, Warrel!!
Im no Will when it comes to buying Nevermore goods, but I have Purchased all their CD's for my collection.
I've also D/L'ed the albums too, so I can play them on my Computer at work with out having to haul all my C.D.s around.