Prayers for Theocracy and the New CD


Feb 8, 2009
Hi, Theocracy

Listen, I wanted you to know that I've been personally blessed by your music. I know that sounds so "Christian-ease." But seriously, your songs mean something to me. Mirror of Souls especially. The lyrics, the excellence of the musicianship, the production--to me it seems to honor God big time.

I hope big things for you with this new CD. I believe God wants to change lives through it and on a geometrically larger scale than ever before. I want to see you guys hit the BIG TIME, not so you can get rich (though not nec, a bad thing), but so that more people can be touched by the Lord through your music. Long story short, I started this thread so folks of the praying variety might be able to tell you how your music matters to them and perhaps offer prayers for you all and the new CD. Much love to you bros!

Dear Lord, you are the God who takes things that are not and makes them be. You created the world from nothing and raised the weak things of the world to be mighty in your name. Please lift up the members of Theocracy, fill them with your peace and strength, and superhuman stamina. Let this CD speak of you lyrically and musically. And may you smile when you hear them play. Please clear their path of all those thing that go wrong in the studio. And bless all those wives, girlfriends, friends, and family who must sacrifice so that Theocracy can create this CD. In Jesus's name, AMEN


I'm not good at praying out loud, but the band is definitely in my prayers. I, too, hope they can ascend and spread this incredible music to more people.
Thanks Batguy21784, and may God bless you for your faithful support of Theocracy.

I was driving an insane number of hours last year and found Theocracy in a quest for decent metal to help me stay awake - and praise God I did!

I join with you all in supporting the members of Theocracy and their work in prayer.

I often thank god for the great musicians and their way of telling us about him ;)
I'm looking forward to see THeocracy in Germany in October!
Well, let me put my hand and knees to work, and by the way I will do it on Spanish (my native language) to the Theocracy guys:¡Que Dios bendiga su ministerio, familias y vidas personales! thanks for earing (and thaking action) the God´s call!!!!
I am probably the youngest member here, but I can still put my soul to work!

I pray for the well-being of all the members of this band, that they may continue to spread their message through their music, and that they continue to live healthy, christian lives.