pre-order the nick drake tribute album from strangelight records now

Hi Danny, I have a possibly stupid question. I had bought my Antimatter albums off, so I don't know how Duncan processes orders. I mean, how will I send the money when its due; through bank order, paypal or just by snail mail? Unfortunately I can't pay through paypal, since they don't work in Turkey because of some shit. Oh and when do you think we'll be able to get the album? It's possible that in September I can't be giving a fixed address to get the CD.

Just wanted to make sure that there'll be no problems before I pre-order.:Spin:
When I ordered the Antimatter albums from Duncan we agreed on that I'll send the money with the address, and he'll send them back to me. So I basically sent the money in an envelope (with some cover so that someone wouldn't steal them) and I got my albums in the mail. :)
yes, it's the easiest way to pre- order it hidden- cash like, it always worked fine with Duncan, although you can do bank transfer too, which might be a bit more expensive though. is up and running

oops.. I dont post here anymore, and with that I shall fuck off
hello everybody (long time-no see)!
I am quite interested in that album but before ordering could anyone please give me some other info about it? forgot to ask it on Tuesday from the one who probably knows the most about it...
Loona said:
hello everybody (long time-no see)!
I am quite interested in that album but before ordering could anyone please give me some other info about it? forgot to ask it on Tuesday from the one who probably knows the most about it...

that's the only source i can tell. Probably you go to the antimatter board and ask DUncan, or wait till Danny gives response. But hey, i guess it will be worth the money ;)
thank you, think I will have a look.
I didn't doubt that it would worth the money, the problem is that I bought a concert ticket and 2 tour shirts and thus all my money just slipped away...
feel like this is the first time I think positive of becoming 20 :err: