Pre-Party Band Roster updated

Emerald Sword said:
Please, DC, play a "plugged" show. Please, no offense to those who like acoustic. But, I hate it! I'd kill to hear DC Cooper in electric fucking glory! I implore the gods that be to at least have some of the show plugged in.

Not for nothing, but if I could hear anyone acoustic, I would want to hear D.C. as he has an amazing voice. I see it as a nice change from the ordinary. Hey, if it's not your thing, it's not your thing, but I can't think of a better person to play an acoustic set.

I'm just curious as to what songs he will be playing. I love his solo disc, so I know I won't be dissapointed, and if he throws a RH tune in like Clown in the Mirror or anything off of Paradox, I will be ecstatic!
nightwish58 I'm just curious as to what songs he will be playing. I love his solo disc said:
I wouldn't expect any RHunt tunes. Tore and Dennis helped performed and help write his solo disc so they know that material. Plus, there really isn't any rehearsals planned for truly unknown material. That's why this thing will end up turning into a cover jam with special guests towards the end. I know of two already that have been invited to join him from the bands on the main roster.

Glenn H.
We could get a Cooper/Readman vocal event... :worship:

I agree with nightwish58, the quality of DC's voice should really shine through in an acoustic setting.
That is great! Silent Force was one of THE highlights for my 1st PP experience. When Glenn announced them I jumped out of my chair at work and screamed a "fuck yah". Needless to say I got into some serious trouble for that, luckily no customers present.

*start jedi mind trick*
Bring back Silent Force
*end jedi mind trick*
I just moaned in exctasy here at work when I seen Tore's and Dennis' name follow DC's. I absolutely love DC's solo release and think it is without question his best work to date. He's at his best singing the mid-tempo melodic stuff.

It's so cool how everything aligned to have all these guys in one place at one time. Thanks Shane!!!!

Actually, the only set I look forward to more than DC's is Conception's (although all the bands kill). For me, this will be the best PP yet. With great new bands like Stride and Circus Maximus on the bill, I think everyone is going to look back at PP6 a few years from now (after those two bands get big), and say, "Holy Crap! - How did Glenn and Shane pull all that off!"
Lance just told me earlier this week that he will still be bringing his wares to Atlanta. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll join D.C. on stage during the jam session!

Either way, I look forward to spending a bunch of money at his table...