preference of guitar


bass solo, take one
Jul 31, 2006
Southern Cali
so, i've been thinking about getting a jackson.

but i wanna ask you guys: do you prefer ESPs or Jacksons? and what, in your opinion, are the pros and cons of each? (and if say something else, like Ibanez, list the pros and cons of that too and why it's better than other guitars)

(please respond to this only if you play guitar and know what you're talking about)
This probably isn't the answer you're wanting to hear but it is all down to personal preference.

They're all good if you have alot to spend, but they can suck if you don't. Your best bet is to just go into a shop and try as many guitars out as you possibly can, regardless of its brand...Jason Becker didn't use a Carvin for nothing, right?

There's pro and cons of every guitar and alot of them come down to tone (from the body material, neck wood, pickups, body construction etc) and also, how "fast" or "well" the neck plays. Meaning how thin it is or how nice it feels in your hands. Of course, THIS is all personal preference too. I love my Ibanez Rg770 with the thinnest neck ever but I'm guessing Slash prefers the Les Paul's.

If you don't find anything you like or you can't decide, I'd honestly just save your money until you have a little more experience with the instrument so you know what you actually want in a guitar instead of just listening to someone on the internet say "omfg jackson rr-1's r00l". Also, you'll learn to get better control with a guitar that's less quality instead of relying on having great equipment to get a good natural tone.

You probably might not take much notice of this but you'll understand what I'm talking about when you've been playing alot longer. I was in the same situation a few years back. I wanted a Jackson snakeskin Soloist JUST because of the pattern. This guy was telling me not to buy it because I have no idea how it felt and what it's specs were. I didn't buy it and now I understand what he was saying. I'm not sure if I would have liked it more than my Ibanez but it's better than blowing £800+ on it and then being disappointed with it eh.
thanks for that advice Mitch, i have been testing some out, but not enough to be happy yet, and yeah, i guess i should wait till i've been playing a bit longer. but this is a general question.

and price doesn't matter right now. i mean, obviously, i can't spend like $5,000. but i'm asking this question in general. realistically, i'd spend about 1,000-2,000. but if i have to (like if i fall in complete love with a guitar) i'll spend more.
thanks for that advice Mitch, i have been testing some out, but not enough to be happy yet, and yeah, i guess i should wait till i've been playing a bit longer. but this is a general question.

and price doesn't matter right now. i mean, obviously, i can't spend like $5,000. but i'm asking this question in general. realistically, i'd spend about 1,000-2,000. but if i have to (like if i fall in complete love with a guitar) i'll spend more.

Well yeah as I said, any high end guitar will be of a decent quality and you'll get your moneys worth. The only deciding factor from then should be how you like each guitar, so then you'd need to know how each guitar plays.

Personally, I never ask other people about what I want because they don't know what I want. It's weird but I seem to be the only person like that. :loco:
I think Jackson and ESP both make great guitars. I've got 2 SVs and needless to say, they kick ass.

Before that I had a Jackson JS30 and a Jackson RR3 which were also good guitars. Though a couple of heads behind my ESPs(no wonder, as they're much cheaper).

But the thing is it really depends on what kind of guitar you want. And it's kinda hard to think "ESP vs Jackson", when they both make one of the best metal guitars out there.

The only thing that seperates them(correct me if I'm wrong) is that the necks on Jacksons are thinner then the ones on ESPs.
I have to say jacksons are mostly just for shape if you want a excellent sounds out of a jackson you have to get the pickups changed, but with high end LTD's most of them come with a 81/85 or 60.
Roar, yeah, that's what i was wondering...what is the big difference btwn jackson and ESP. they both seem to be among the most popular metal guitars.

Well yeah as I said, any high end guitar will be of a decent quality and you'll get your moneys worth. The only deciding factor from then should be how you like each guitar, so then you'd need to know how each guitar plays.

Personally, I never ask other people about what I want because they don't know what I want. It's weird but I seem to be the only person like that. :loco:

yeah, i see what you're saying. but i always ask people's opinions just for more information. i want to know why they think what they think....maybe they're seeing something i don't. but in the end, i always go with whatever i like best. even if the guitar only comes in an ugly orange color or something, i'll still buy it as long as it feels right and has the tone i want.
I have to say jacksons are mostly just for shape if you want a excellent sounds out of a jackson you have to get the pickups changed, but with high end LTD's most of them come with a 81/85 or 60.

That's not completely true, the new line of Jacksons has much better pick-ups.
All the guitars in the pro-series are now equiped with Seymore Duncans.
As for the X-series and the JS-series are still equiped with shit humbuckers. But if you aren't that experienced of a player, that really doesn't matter.
i play a peavey raptor and i'm happy with it :lol:
but go to a store and try all the guitars like said. if ur going to spend 2000 bucks make the salesman sweat a little bit

i really don't care much for sound it is kinda pointless discuss which guitar has better distortion:Smug: (my opinion...don't break my legs...looking at you warheart). the only things that i miss in my guitar is a bigger board and a floydrose(which is probably better for me not to have one right now) the rest is all good
I have a LTD MH400NT with 85/81 and a Edwards al-120 (made by ESP) and they're both awesome guitars. You can't go wrong with ESP.
I prefer jackson but you know I'm left handed, it's not the same mentality.
But I'd go with an Ibanez, you can really get a good deal, and i'm actually looking for one. They sound really good, they've got good shape, jackson aswell...Anyway it's your choice, feel free to choose what you find the most interesting for you. We have not all the same tastes.
I play a Jackson and I'm real satisfied with it.

But since you're willing to pay 1-2 grand on a guitar, I'd suggest a Carvin Custom electric guitar, an LTD (ESPs are too expensive for what they are, just buy a high-end LTD and put in some Dimarzios and an OFR), Ernie Ball Musicman, Ibanez (always a good choice), just whatever, after 1500$ most guitars have no difference in quality. Just make sure to look into the types of wood you're gonna use and the size of the frets, all that small shit. Take Warheart's advice on this one, try out a whole array of guitars and base your decision on that.
thanks for that advice Mitch, i have been testing some out, but not enough to be happy yet, and yeah, i guess i should wait till i've been playing a bit longer. but this is a general question.

and price doesn't matter right now. i mean, obviously, i can't spend like $5,000. but i'm asking this question in general. realistically, i'd spend about 1,000-2,000. but if i have to (like if i fall in complete love with a guitar) i'll spend more.


I was asking because, if you were planning to spend less than that, you'd be better off with an ibanez.
That's not completely true, the new line of Jacksons has much better pick-ups.
All the guitars in the pro-series are now equiped with Seymore Duncans.
As for the X-series and the JS-series are still equiped with shit humbuckers. But if you aren't that experienced of a player, that really doesn't matter.

Thats what i meant that if you want good factory pickups you have to get rr1 or rr5, and the pro series has duncan designed pickups that aren't actully the same as a seymore duncan.