The rackmount PRO version is a much better choice if you can afford it. It has digital (AES, and S/PDIF) outs @ 24/96, which is awesome, it has XLR out, 1/4" stereo out, then just regular TRS out, USB "out", MIDI in-out/thru...this thing rocks. Like at the studio, we have our PODxt Pro setup to have S/PDIF output, that way we can get even more free TRS inputs on our Delta 1010's for mic/line instead of dedicated 1/2 of them to the POD. We always track at 24/96, so this option is perfect. We use a plug-in that warms up the signal a little bit, (PSP Vintage Warmer) just adds this tiny little midrange to whatever the signal is, and it sounds great. We have used the POD on so many cd's instead of the band's amps because a lot of the times, they have crappy equipment. We make them use the POD and it sounds amazing. Makes them sound GOOD for a change, hehe. We have all of the model packs for ours too, so that is a good thing to get as well, the stock patches are crapola, I think.
I, on the other hand, own the Live version of the PODxt. I like it more because it offers the USB, MIDI in-out/thru, 1/4" stereo, and TRS as well (wish it had S/PDIF...oh well), but the thing I like the most on it over the Pro is the pedal. The wah sounds great. Plus having a volume "pedal" is a nice little effect to have at your disposal. It lets you save time by not having to automate volumes in your session, you just do it on the Live while you play. I have all of the model packs on mine as well. The sound is identical.
We use Line6 Edit at the studio, thats what we use to manipulate the PODxt Pro instead of sitting there turning tiny little knobs while the guitarist is going "more fizz", we can sit there in the sweet spot of the monitors and adjust the settings from the computer, awesome feature. I use L6 Edit at home too, so I'll sit there in the wee hours of the morning and tweak patches and make new ones, inspired by recent sessions ("I wish we had like a good JCM style patch"

) and then I put the tones on a USB Key and take them to the studio, and put them on the Pro. We can then just use a drop down menu in Edit and pull up the patch for the musician to use.
Before we got the Pro in there, we were using my Live. The Pro is a great jump in recording quality just because of the S/PDIF connection. That alone is worth the price tag over the bean or Live, IMO. Then again, if you aren't into doing anything really major as far as production is concerned, get whatever one you want. I'd still take the Live over the bean though, the foot pedal rocks!
If you have the money, go for the Pro.