I find Jonas more unhealthy than anyone else in the clip...disturbing performance.
I really like the contrast during the band's parts.
I think Katatonia's music is evocative in its core, and don't need
images to create a meaning, tht's probably why I'm a bit disappointed with the rest.
Maybe that's also because I miss the Travis Smith touch. Oddness in reality I mean.
Hey Travis, when will you start filming ?
A Darkness Coming said:
great video and thanks to KATATONIA and the others for making this great video and it was worth the wait as i said before
TO ether and the others who criricized the video u should have directed it then and if u want to see masterpieces videos go see rammstein videos i think u guys will like them they ar very funny

So what?
I thought this forum was to "discuss" about Katatonia which doesn´t mean that everyone should only praise (and I´m avoiding a bad word to be nice) everything Katatonia do.

I can understand Anders reaction when people began to criticize the video even before having seen it(even if he is sometimes too touchy and too impulsive), but please aren´t we entitled to express an opinion on this forum or do we only have to act as fanboys and say that everything is brilliant and wonderful just because we don´t want to offend and hurt Anders sensibility?

I respect other people´s opinion, not that everyone must like this video or every kata album or whatever...

Moreover I didn´t say it sucked, on the contrary I appreciated it a lot, but I´m not here like "Oh holy shit, Oh my god, look at this masterpiece, I have no words..ha, it´s fantastic.." No, sorry, it´s a nice direction, I liked many aspects of the video ( and I wrote it in my post) but I still think that a Katatonia songs is much better than a video and this video doesn´t change my life.I´ve been watching it a lot of times, but I´m not going to watch it as many times as I´m going to listen to the song "my twin" .
I´d like to point out I´m not saying I could have done it better or whaterver, I haven´t been into musical videos since the early 90s, so I ´m really ignorant about what kind of videos are around right now and I can´t name a single video that I consider a masterpiece or whatever...MAybe because I´m not so keen at watching videos (and I haven´t seen Rammstein ones).
So after having seen this video I feel like when you go to the cinema and come back like, ok I didn´t waste my money I had a nice evening, but nothing more...
the-lull said:
I find Jonas more unhealthy than anyone else in the clip...disturbing performance.
I really like the contrast during the band's parts.
I think Katatonia's music is evocative in its core, and don't need
images to create a meaning, tht's probably why I'm a bit disappointed with the rest.
Maybe that's also because I miss the Travis Smith touch. Oddness in reality I mean.
Hey Travis, when will you start filming ?

yeah, that ´s exactly what I was thinking too....
A Darkness Coming said:
great video and thanks to KATATONIA and the others for making this great video and it was worth the wait as i said before
TO ether and the others who criricized the video u should have directed it then and if u want to see masterpieces videos go see rammstein videos i think u guys will like them they ar very funny

id love to direct the next one, i dont want to blow my own trumpet, but id do a great katatonia music video. so pm me anyone from the band, we can hook up and do the next one :err:
Pretty good video...
I could have gone with less band and more story... but that's just my opinion.

Oh... and what's up with the cigarette with a mind of its own... I don't quite get the symbolism there...
A Darkness Coming said:
great video and thanks to KATATONIA and the others for making this great video and it was worth the wait as i said before
TO ether and the others who criricized the video u should have directed it then and if u want to see masterpieces videos go see rammstein videos i think u guys will like them they ar very funny

Yes i can direct better but that does not matter.I dont like the video.It looks too cliche to me and i can not find anything exciting in it.The only thing i love in the video is the colours hmmm and the girl is disturbing.(i think what they want to show her as a disturbing figure)
in case it was not clear: everyone here are free and encouraged to speak their minds about the video, good or bad. previous directed comments were made because some people choose to jump to analyze something they hadn't seen yet.

i'm not being touchy, or too impulsive. make a 180 degree turn and u'll see i'm just cleaning up in the anthill, some things doesn't belong in the stack, but they're being pulled back there over and over again.

in regards of making of a video and for people who claim they can direct better, it's killer we have such artistic talent right here hidden in our forum! we sincerely want to see your video drafts and scripts in picture, so please proceed with the making of it and contact me privately and we'll send you an ftp to upload it...please note you won't have access to the band jamming out, so use your visions, knowledge and skill to create a video without us...

waiting impatiently... cheerz
I liked the video. Sure, things could always be better, but no matter what it DID capture a lot of the feeling in Katatonia. And thats whats important to me.
It is pointless to argue with a member of the band and when i read my post again i see that it can be understood wrong.

I am not a director (although i want to be) .But when "A darkness coming" said "TO ether and the others who criricized the video u should have directed it then" i mean that it is not about i can direct it or not but i have rights to critize it good or bad (and most of the people here said that video is excellent).And it is very absurd to mention rammstien videos here cause when we can not critize your songs or videos by other shitty videos or songs (i mean if you play or direct better than Rammstein or anyother band does not make your art good)

Sorry for my words again.I will be more clear next time.
As far as I can see no-one said "d00000d diz video suuxxx" while there where only screenshots available. People shared their expectations some expected a kick-ass video by seeing the screens, and some expected a not so kick-ass video, somehow the latter where found less acceptable...
Well, here's my two cents.

I'm not a big fan of music videos from the start.... I'm one of those guys that just likes to lay back and sink deep into the music with my headphones.

Things I liked:
It's a music video... by KATATONIA!!!!
The song
the girl
the billowing room that the band was in
the unexpected bursts of cold, dark sorrow, anguish, etc. [the girl (?) grabbing frantically at the guy when he opens the fridge]
It was better than the Opeth video [but then again, there isn't much that is worse than the Opeth video]
Water on the cymbal. I don't care if it's the most used trick in the book, it's still damn cool.

What I didn't like:
There were no shots of the band as a whole
There were like... two things of Mattias...
The cigarette creeping out of the box.
No creativity in the band shots. There were some good shots, but they kept going back to the same damn shot of Anders, Jonas' mouth, and fred's upper half. The drum shots were alright.

What could've been better:
more internal conflict shown... more surrealism
shots of the band as a whole, sweeping, 360 degree shots, etc.

how about for the next video, use your fans instead of stock talent. I believe that most of your fans could set the mood better than two or three actors with maybe a week of prep, exposure and knowledge of the band and the music... I mean, for many of us, [to quote Anders] this music is a form of therapy. It soothes our pain and helps us to embrace the cold.

Besides getting actors that truly set the mood [to me, I just couldn't see the pain in the actors' eyes], you'd most likely get them for a lot cheaper than others... cuz hell, it's a chance to star in or be in a Katatonia music video!!! Hell, I know I'd do it for free.

EDIT: Have Reece [Deliverance6] star in the next video. Seriously.
Jinn said:
EDIT: Have Reece [Deliverance6] star in the next video. Seriously.

well.....if the video was shot tonight I would be able to pull off some seriously saddened of my friends died last night.....on the street.....drunk.....he died from the cold.......I knew I shouldnt have gone to play poker right after I heard the news.....played some stupid sucked out on the river....lost all my girlfriend is all pissed at me for even going to play anyways....much less losing all my dough........I have no job.....and am about to go to jail for child support.....Im fucked.......and unfortunately I care that I am fucked.....and my friend is dead.....

so yes....this would be the night....
Deliverance6 said:
well.....if the video was shot tonight I would be able to pull off some seriously saddened of my friends died last night.....on the street.....drunk.....he died from the cold.......I knew I shouldnt have gone to play poker right after I heard the news.....played some stupid sucked out on the river....lost all my girlfriend is all pissed at me for even going to play anyways....much less losing all my dough........I have no job.....and am about to go to jail for child support.....Im fucked.......and unfortunately I care that I am fucked.....and my friend is dead.....

so yes....this would be the night....

are you gonna be alright? you got me worried seriously.