premix of a new project i'm working on - ENGL, 5150, and the BR00talZ inside :)


Jul 27, 2005
hey there,

i'm currently mixing a death metal song, and well, i'm definitely in the need for a set of fresh ears right now :)
i just "finished" it, so i haven't checked on different systems either...
anyways, this is just a mix, no pseudo mastering going on yet.

btw, as the title already says, guitars were done with a fireball and a 5150 (the latter for rhythm as well as leads). bass was done through a cheap laney head that actually sounded surprisingly good. finger style btw, no picks here.

so, any input will be greatly appreciated!!
thanks in advance

and here's the link: it's called "disrupted comprehension premix"

once again, i'll greatly appreciate any comments!!

raised and re-eq'd the guitars (sometimes less is more...), added a few gimmicks here and there, and also "mastered" the damn thing.

the deadline for that one is sunday, 11.1., so any comments before that date would be way cool of you guys :)
Sounds great Fragle..

I find some of the lower grunts a bit too.. mumbling sounding, maybe clear those up a bit? perhaps the vocals could a bit lower in the mix, but overall it sounds good man.
thanks for the kind words guys :)

yes, i'm playing in that band.

regarding the lower vocals, i know, they really aren't as clear as i'd like them to be...unfortunately, that's the way it turned out to be, and i tried pretty much everything i know. but on the other hand, this was his first time ever recording, and given these circumstances i think it's usable...still not great, though.

anyways, after checking the mix on a few systems, the kick seems to be a bit overpowering in the bass area. lead guitars are also a tad too quiet, and rhythms a tad too midrangey and "stiff".
any thoughts on that?

btw, please ignore the new file labeled "test"...that's just to try a few things out according to the other guys wishes, especially regarding lead guitars and bass.
they think the leads sound really bad, very keyboard like, and also dull....i don't quite agree TBH.
they also asked me to turn up the bass.
alright, there's another update, tailored to the other guys wishes.
did a few tweaks regarding the guitar sound, changed a few arrangements in the solo section, raised the bass, and also revisioned the mastering side of the whole thing (maybe a tad less loud, but way more dynamic - ditched most of the compressing in favor of some careful gclip action. sounds better to my ears - i think the problem i heared with the kick was due to the compressor jumping all over the place on fast parts)

and once again, thanks for the comments so far!
nwright, are the guitars less buried now? i actually cut some mids as i liked the sound better this way, but also gave the higher mids a slight boost and also slightly raised their overall volume in the mix.
I like the updated mix better, too. Everything sounds a little more defined.

Guitar tone doesn't sound much different on these speakers I'm listening on, though. The guitar thing is just preference. It's not like they suck, I just prefer a bit more mids I guess.