Presidential Debate on Terror


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
--Mr Kerry:

"I propose that the United States follow my simple one point plan to end terror. We fight a sensitive war on terror. It's that simple!"

--When asked how he planned to live up to his plan Kerry states:

" see we just give the terrorists what they want and they will go away! It's so easy!"

--When asked how he felt about Senator Kerry's plan President Bush stated:

"Well...I reckon it won't work...I say we NUKE THE BASTARDS! I my daddy never nuked nobody! MWAHAHAHHA!!!. I will first! Who aint as good as DADDY now!?
*the President suddenly straightens up and smiles*

--So you agree with Mr. Kerry?

" I should have elaborated...We.... err umm....**I** think we should fight the terrorists THERE. Not here!"

--Fight them there you say??

"Yea we fight 'em there so they dont come here!"

--Mr. Kerry: What is your response?

"Oh I like his idea! Let's do that instead!"

--Now you agree with Mr. Bush?!?

"What? I never said that! Lies! I served in Vietnam! I'm a veteran damnit!!!"
*Kerry runs out of the room, trips, and gets a purple heart*

--President do you feel about Mr. Kerry's war record?

"I reckon it's good he served on them boats. My daddy let me fly planes!"

--When asked about the frontrunner's comments Vice President Cheney and his possible replacement, John Edwards, replied:

Cheney: *hides remote control* "Well...I always just go along with what ole' Georgy wants... He's the boss around here"

--Mr. Edwards was not available for questioning as he reportedly had to "finish his homework."

--It is unclear who will win this election, but it shall surely be a close race for the presidency!



My *attempt* at humor :p
hahaha, thanks for the good lighthearted post, it made me laugh. I think most of us realize that neither of these guys really is the right individual to be the American president. Since we only have 2 options I guess we'll have to blindfold everyone and see how it turns out.
thespectralsorrows said:
hahaha, thanks for the good lighthearted post, it made me laugh. I think most of us realize that neither of these guys really is the right individual to be the American president. Since we only have 2 options I guess we'll have to blindfold everyone and see how it turns out.
What, you mean you're not going to vote for Ralph Nader? :)
thespectralsorrows said:
Since we only have 2 options I guess we'll have to blindfold everyone and see how it turns out.

Which is pretty much how this election is looking anyways. People seem to forget with Cheney's most recent comments that al Qaeda operatives struck this country on the Bush/Cheney watch.

Didn't Bush state during his acceptance speech that he "believed" his job as president of the United States was to defend the people of this country? :err:

Yeah, great job he's been doing so far. :yuk:
As an outsider it's amazing to see 2 parties that basically are the same running for election... :rolleyes:

I'd rather see Kerry than Bush for sure, but I still think that Kerry is sort of a "less evil" (a common word in the debate), just look at what former president Clinton did. (Bombings of Serbia, co-operation with the Afghans known as [size=-1] Al-Qauida etc.)

I think that one think every us-citizen have to consider is that the world doesn't think of these and several other actions since the 1960ies as "the work of one president", people see it as "the work of USA", and this is quite bad "PR" for the country.

I just hope that Kerry will take on a more humble and multi-lateral approach when it comes to his foreign policy. This can benefit both the american people, as well as the other 4.x Billion people of the world.

I'm not from the US so most of what i see makes little sense to me. But i find it disturbing that a large part of the public debate on who is the better choice seems to be based on who did what back in 'Nam. Is that really the best way to see who is best for the job? You could have a guy who was never in a war or did any heroic actions and he could still be a better choice. Surely it's best to look at how each of 'em will help the country (and not just in defending it from terroists but also the economy, environmemt etc) if they become president, not argue about whether one did or did not fight in a war?
That's how i see it at least.
Bush Whacker said:
Serbian bombings are well documented, but Clinton was working along with others to rid the Taliban from Afghanistan and trying to get his hands on Osama bin Laden.
Documented by WHO? The CIA? :rolleyes::tickled:

It's a well-known fact that the american gov. co-operated with the Talibans up 'til the happenings in 9/11.

(note that I read gov. instead of "people", so don't "defend your country" 'il your balls fall down :))
Some more presidential humor:

On a tour of Texas, the Pope took a couple of days off to visit the
coastal area for some sightseeing. He was cruising along the sea wall in
Galveston in his Pope mobile when suddenly he notices a frantic commotion justoff shore.

There was John Kerry struggling frantically to free himself from the jaws
of a 25-foot shark. As the Pope watched, horrified, a speedboat came racing
up with two men aboard. One of the men, President George W. Bush quickly
fired a harpoon into the shark's side while Dick Cheney reached out and
pulled the bleeding, semi-conscious John Kerry from the water. Then using baseball bats, the two heroes beat the shark to death and hauled it into the boat. Immediately the Pope shouted and summoned them to the beach. "I give you my blessings for your brave actions," he told them. "I heard that there was some bitter hatred between President Bush and John Kerry, but now I have seen with my own eyes that this is not true."

As the Pope drove off, President Bush asked Dick "Who was that?" "It was the Pope," Dick replied. "He is in direct contact with God and has all of God's wisdom."

"Well," President Bush said, "he may have access to God's wisdom, but he
doesn't know squat about shark's the bait holding up?"
I think that the Kerry/Edwards campaign is over.

In late August (just before the Republican Conventnion in NYC), Kerry indicated that he would ignore or oppose the Federal Reserve on entitlements, and that effectively ended the establishment support he had received.

Kerry's failure to anticipate the attack from the Swift boat vets, and then his subsequent failure to defend himself, validated the Bush campaign's central charge that Kerry is unfit for command because he would fail to defend the country against attacks if elected.

Now, Kerry is still talking about expanding entitlements (governmetn health care coverage). His ability to get votes was never very good, since there was never really any support for his candidacy. His only hope was that there would be a lot of opposition to Bush/Cheney, that would default to Kerry/Edwards votes.

News report this week that all of the hostile nations (the ones which can be counted upon to oppose U.S. policy in the U.N.) want Kerry elected in November, have tagged the Kerry/Edwards ticket as the Ticket of Teason, and marked Kerry as the choice for terrorists and traitors. Consequently, A huge Bush/Cheney landlslide in November looks ever more probable.
Edgecrusher said:
Some more presidential humor:

On a tour of Texas, the Pope took a couple of days off to visit the
coastal area for some sightseeing. He was cruising along the sea wall in
Galveston in his Pope mobile when suddenly he notices a frantic commotion justoff shore.

There was John Kerry struggling frantically to free himself from the jaws
of a 25-foot shark. As the Pope watched, horrified, a speedboat came racing
up with two men aboard. One of the men, President George W. Bush quickly
fired a harpoon into the shark's side while Dick Cheney reached out and
pulled the bleeding, semi-conscious John Kerry from the water. Then using baseball bats, the two heroes beat the shark to death and hauled it into the boat. Immediately the Pope shouted and summoned them to the beach. "I give you my blessings for your brave actions," he told them. "I heard that there was some bitter hatred between President Bush and John Kerry, but now I have seen with my own eyes that this is not true."

As the Pope drove off, President Bush asked Dick "Who was that?" "It was the Pope," Dick replied. "He is in direct contact with God and has all of God's wisdom."

"Well," President Bush said, "he may have access to God's wisdom, but he
doesn't know squat about shark's the bait holding up?"
HAHAHA!!! :lol:
Gronke said:
I think that one think every us-citizen have to consider is that the world doesn't think of these and several other actions since the 1960ies as "the work of one president", people see it as "the work of USA", and this is quite bad "PR" for the country.

That's a great point. Getting rid of Bush will not solve all of our foreign relations problems, it will just settle the most vital ones. We can't go back to the old policies. We have to find a new path from the ground up. We the People need to educate ourselves and reclaim this country.

The piss-poor foreign policy actually goes back to the late 40s and how we handled Korea. The US' people were rallied arround an increasingly narrow view of the world. It was quite clear to the vast majority that communism was evil. The same black and white, right and wrong view of the world which was so dominant during WWII was used to fuel the Cold War. The view of the US' people has been consistantly narrowed since that time.

It's not that the people didn't care about what was happening in South America and Greece, it's that they didn't know. The same is true of Central America, Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq. More and more we have become a dangerously uninformed society.

What happened in the US during the exact same period of time? The ever-increasing dominance of television over our society.

Hopefully, the internet will be a catalyst for change in our society. I'm a die-hard supporter of the pluralism of ideas. I'm a die-hard supporter of open debate. For the last three years, we've been going through some serious and difficult changes.

We're all spread out, angry, and scared right now. I humbly ask that the People of the World give us another chance. With you're help, we can make the World a better place.
@metu I don't think it's about TV really... though 9/11 1973 should ring a bell, and not make the "other" 9/11 come as a total surprise...
Gronke: It wouldn't have been such a surprise if the television news networks had spent more time reporting on the fact that bin Laden had been threatening us with this type of attack for about a decade.

You're missing my point. Let me make it clear that I am NOT talking about a mass media conspiracy. I'm talking about television and its effects on my society. I'm talking about the "ratings war" and the dangerously narrow focus which has resulted. I'm talking about an increasingly powerful global presence coinciding with an increasingly ignorant public.
metu said:
Gronke: It wouldn't have been such a surprise if the television news networks had spent more time reporting on the fact that bin Laden had been threatening us with this type of attack for about a decade.

You're missing my point. Let me make it clear that I am NOT talking about a mass media conspiracy. I'm talking about television and its effects on my society. I'm talking about the "ratings war" and the dangerously narrow focus which has resulted. I'm talking about an increasingly powerful global presence coinciding with an increasingly ignorant public.

Oh, I didn't refer to any "conspiracy", just that (as you say as well) news have different value to different people, depending on geographical, cultural and social differences.

TV has been affecting people ever since that english bloke came up with it! :yell:

And oh, that global presence have it's pros for sure; people that didn't have such a high standard of life is getting there, thanks to globalization and capitalism (when it works)... A brilliant example of this is South Korea!

Lord behold; china is another, who could've thought - even if there's not freedom of speech there, many people have gotten a higher life-standard the later 20 years, due to industrial (to this I also count information-technology) progress.
Opus(sy)2 said:
haha...i still cant get over the fact a retard is the most powerful man in the world...ah well.
Neither can those of us who never voted for the chimp to begin with.. :lol: