This maybe controversial thread (Political thread)


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Apr 27, 2003
South Lyon, Michigan, USA
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What do you Americans think about the democratic primaries so far? Do you like anyone in particular? Or if you are not Democratic, just don't reply. Please refrain from making fun and/or cutting someone down based on their beliefs (Unless it's too extreme (Like Nazism, Totalitareanism (sp?), etc...)) Let's try to keep it clean and positive.

I am interested in John Kerry right now. I really think he has the best chance to beat George Bush. He has won both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primarys. Those are two key states to win. I am really suprised at Howard Dean though. Man, I thought he was gonna win without a fight at first. Now he's way behind. I like Edwards and Kerry's education plan, but I really don't think Edwards will win the primaries.

P.S. If this gets out of hand, just delete it mods.:wave:
Don't respond if you aren't a dem? Nonsense, I have to put up with silly anti-Bush stuff from many of our somewhat brainwashed youth around here, so there's no need to insulate yourself from opposing viewpoints. I am a republican, so I have been keeping track of the Dem primaries. I'm actually kind of not that surprised Dean bit it, because the truth is that the majority of democrat voters are still more centrist than anything, and Dean's foaming at the mouth rage bordering on hate and anti-americanism was mostly attractive to Chomsky brainwashed college kids who attend ANSWER functions and fantasize about 'the revolution'. Too much Marx, not enough sense, and not to mention that they don't really bother to vote in primaries...or elections half the time. But Dems should be glad about that, because Dean would have tanked against W. worse than McGovern vs. Nixon.

Kerry has a much better chance because he's a practiced politician with more ambition than conviction - he's going to make every effort to adjust his personality and stance to suit what will get him the most votes form his camp, but he'll remain fluid so he can move to the right a la Clinton when its time to vote nationally. I still don't think he has a chance, really, but much more of one than Dean. If the Dems had been smarter, they would have gone for Edwards, because basically, Democrats have decided that America is made up of New York and Los Angeles, and have gone so far as to ridicule the south and heartland, so these are lost to them, and Edwards, being a southerner could have helped to heal that wound...but John F@#& Kerry? Highly doubtful. The disgraceful 'I'm hip' cussing interviews and motorcycle photo-ops probably don't help either.

I still say you guys have your work cut out for you, but Kerry is a better prize fighter than Dean. So although I think (thankfully) that you guys have basically missed your potential sleeper candidate, things will at least be...interesting.
John Kerry? Isn't he a trial lawyer who got rich off suing doctors for malpractice (many of them frivolous) and getting huge payouts helping to drive the cost of medical care to the sky? :lol:

And how would he help to give affordable health care to everyone, seeing that his brother is in a firm which is like his 4th largest contributor of funds? :loco:
xenophobe said:
John Kerry? Isn't he a trial lawyer who got rich off suing doctors for malpractice (many of them frivolous) and getting huge payouts helping to drive the cost of medical care to the sky? :lol:

And how would he help to give affordable health care to everyone, seeing that his brother is in a firm which is like his 4th largest contributor of funds? :loco:
Like I said, all kinds of ambition, little conviction...unless its about his own power or fortune. Lets also not forget that every time in his speeches that he drones on about the 'rich and powerful' that he's one of them - his wife is worth billions of dollars. Her last name is Heinz.
Wandrail said:
Don't respond if you aren't a dem? Nonsense, I have to put up with silly anti-Bush stuff from many of our somewhat brainwashed youth around here, so there's no need to insulate yourself from opposing viewpoints. I am a republican, so I have been keeping track of the Dem primaries.
No, I meant I didn't want people getting offended in geneeral. I don't give a fuck if you ridicule me that much.
I gotcha, I gotcha - I certainly don't intend to ridicule - egg on a bit, maybe. :p I have a few extremely liberal friends I see pretty often and we always argue about politics, man, there's no need to take it personally.
If i were american i'd vote for nader, because i can't see much difference between democrats and republicans, and i'm liberal and politically left-sided
I'm not a democrat, but from all that I've gathered from different sources:

Dean = crazy fella...bad idea and he always looks crossed to me :confused:
Kerry = slick guy, but is fishy, and it annoys me how he always cites his "war experience", knows what the ppl want to hear but is very fake about it
Clark = bleh, you wish, buddy
Liberman = just give up

Though he's done a few things I haven't approved of, Bush is who I shall be voting for, easily. :D I share Wandrail's sentiments.
Hey Republicans out there. I have a question (And Dems and Independents can join in too). Say if the Republicans were going through a primary election like the Democrats, who would you vote for? (Your dream team of Republicans except Bush can be in this. Therefore you can pick anyone around the nation that is Republican except Bush, because that wouldn't be so interesting!)

As for Nader, yeah he has some good points to him, but looks freaky! Speaking of freaky lookin', why is every Democrat weird looking? Both Tom Daschle and that other lady (Can't think of her name) looked fuckin scary when they had that "Democratic response thing after the State of the Union address". John Kerry looks like a dead person! Holy sheep shit that almost made me piss my pants when I saw him! But I kind of like politically (Or I like him the best out of all the candidates. John Edwards seems o.k., but I don't know him too well other than his education proposal. (I really dislike Lieberman!:hotjump:)
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Actually, I'm very conservative independent, GW Bush isn't my expectiation, he's doing everything to please the left, and not enough to please the right, IMO. But I agree he's certainly doing SOMETHING other than chasing skirts and bombing countries to take the heat off Oval Office sex scandals like Clinton did.

I don't know who I would pick over GW, that isn't really a concern for another 4+ years.
Wandrail said:
I gotcha, I gotcha - I certainly don't intend to ridicule - egg on a bit, maybe. :p I have a few extremely liberal friends I see pretty often and we always argue about politics, man, there's no need to take it personally.
Yup, same here except the opposite of Extreme Liberal (Communist whatever!). One of my friends (Who've I known since I was born) is the most Republican person I've ever met in my whole life (More Conservative than Rush Linbeau (sp?)! I really see politics as just politics. There's much more to a person than just politics. I mean, you could love the same music, love the same foods, love the same movies, whatever but I believe people shouldn't hate people just because they are Communist, Libertarian, Republican, Democratic, Socialist, Reformist, Green Partiest (?), etc....etc....So long as they're not out to destroy or cause extreme suffereing to everyone! A.K.A. I will hate you if you are a Neo-Nazi! As do many people already! But yeah, I agree with Wandrail all the way.
Man, speaking of Kerry - you have to go and see the before and after pictures of him - he went and got rid of his wrinkles sometime over the last month or so! :lol: He is of course denying it, but its great fun to see - the thing that really grate son me about him right now is how much he is trying ot be like JFK. His speech in New Hampshire...ugh...his diction, the cadence of his speech was trying to sound like JFK, and that's just so dumb - he's started calling himself John F. Kerry, you know. I mean, why would anyone elect a man who doesn't even stand on his own identity? At least Dean was Dean.

As far as the republicans go, I will say right now there is no one on the horizon really for 2008 - and that's a problem, because we all expect Hitlery Clinton to run in '08. Whichis why these rumors have started about a surprise announcement during the GOP convention...a possible Bush/Giuliani ticket. Some complain about Rudy not being conservative enough on some social issues, but dammit, he reigned in New York's budget, he didn't pander to the other side, he did so many things thatw ere important but unpopular in the media and he just didn't care. I like him! And an '08 Giuliani run could be just the thing to fix that Carpetbagger up in NY state...
Out of curiosity, what do you Dems think of hillary running?
Me AS WELL AS some of my more liberal friends are horrified at the thought of her even running, much less.....*shudders*
Oh and also, one thing I don't get is why Dems dislike Bush so much...I mean, he's practically given them everything they've wanted. He's on his way to outspending Clinton, and they hate him more than they ever hated Reagan! W is playing a losing strategy of appeasment right now, and he's starting to tick us loyal conservatives off, but hopefully he wises up and realizes that just like appeasement wouldn't work for Saddam or Bin Laden - it won't work for Teddy Kennedy!
I'm personally not a fan of all. The candidate that I agree with the most is actually Howard Dean, despite that everyone thinks he's a psycho. Meh. I don't feel like saying much about politics at the moment.
Well, the only reason I see the dem's hating GW so much is because of the Election. As much as they tried bending the rules, hanging chad, dimpled chad, impressed chad, etc... GW won legitimately and fair and square.

There's a reason why our system is set up the way it is, so a handful of states cannot themselves choose a President. It is so that a majority of the states must be in agreement as well. This is one case where it really mattered.

Anyways, the liberals have to absolutely HATE someone. It's just in their intolerant and divisionist ways not to like anyone who doesn't agree with them.