Presonus FP10 -> M-audio Profire 2626?

ze kink

So, I was checking prices at dv247 and noticed that you can get the Profire for rather cheap, at the same price as the Firepod actually. The fact that it has 2x ADAT is quite tempting, I currently have an ADA8000 which isn't getting any use as I can't connect it to the Firepod. I'd like to have more inputs to be able to use them for triggers etc. in the future. Buying another Firepod would be pretty expensive, so I thought...

Should I order a Profire and sell the FP10?

Any comments from Profire owners? I checked a thread at gearslutz and the feedback seemed pretty positive.

I'm using an early '08 Macbook Pro if that has any relevance.
Surprising, I have had nothing but bad experiences with M-Audio interfaces, and I've found the quality of the Firepod to be noticeably better. Perhaps the ProFire is different than the ProjectMix I/O and Firewire Solo in terms of preamps/converters?
Surprising, I have had nothing but bad experiences with M-Audio interfaces, and I've found the quality of the Firepod to be noticeably better. Perhaps the ProFire is different than the ProjectMix I/O and Firewire Solo in terms of preamps/converters?

Yeah, apparently the Profire 2626 is very different from those. Some people have said that it's the same quality as the RME Firefaces, which I'm not sure I completely believe, but I wouldn't mind if it was true :lol:
Does your MacBook have an Agere chipset? That may be an issue, but you'd likely run into the same problems with the FP10.

Profire series is different than the Project mix and Solo.
Octane Preamps, -20dB pads on all 8 preamps. 18 channel software mixer for direct monitoring.

I'd love to see a company just build the best interface they can, no matter the cost (well...within reason!).
16 preamps/Line ins, 2 DIs, 16 ADAT, 2 SPDIF, daisy chaining option, 4 headphone outs, 16 analog outs + 4 monitor outs, mono and mute for monitors, 2 space rack. Come on, we'd pay for that!
Does your MacBook have an Agere chipset? That may be an issue, but you'd likely run into the same problems with the FP10.

Profire series is different than the Project mix and Solo.
Octane Preamps, -20dB pads on all 8 preamps. 18 channel software mixer for direct monitoring.

I'd love to see a company just build the best interface they can, no matter the cost (well...within reason!).
16 preamps/Line ins, 2 DIs, 16 ADAT, 2 SPDIF, daisy chaining option, 4 headphone outs, 16 analog outs + 4 monitor outs, mono and mute for monitors, 2 space rack. Come on, we'd pay for that!

Texas Instruments, luckily. Yeah, no problems with the FP10 at all ever, and a guy I know is using a Profire 2626 with the same Macbook Pro without any problems.

I'm probably going to order one next week!
hey guys, just a little question, i also have a firepod and im realy tired of the driver crashes, should i get the profire2626 or theres some better ones out there ? i saw the new saffire 56 .. what you think ?:err:
by the way , i may be noob but wheres the midi conections on the 2626 ?
I used to use Firepod and I switch to profire 2626. I think it has better converter also. Anyway I bought it from dv too. Great price actually but check if it's available for real because mine was in stock but toke 2 weeks to arrive to my door.
I used to use Firepod and I switch to profire 2626. I think it has better converter also. Anyway I bought it from dv too. Great price actually but check if it's available for real because mine was in stock but toke 2 weeks to arrive to my door.

I just got a reply from them, they're getting more Profires in April. I guess I'll save up until then, and maybe order the new Microkorg at the same time.
I sold a firepod for a profire..The profire is like the firepod to the next level.. much better bulid quality, adat inputs , dsp mixer true line inputs that bypass the preamp volumes...

I liked my pod but this thing just seems better all around..the sound is on par with my RME hammerfall rig..much better than my firepod..

One of the m-audio guys was on gearslutz and said it was there most current and best sounding design.. completely different than the older stuff..
The profire2626 seems like a good buy. Now im starting to wonder if I should give a try. I currently have a firepod too, but maybe its time to upgrade.

Sorry to sound like a F*ucking noob but if i plan to buy an analog mixer( probably an Old allen and heath) maybe to monitor or to use some analog EQ... would i be able to use the 8 pres in this unit along the pres of the console such as i can have more inputs( i read it has 26 x 26 simultaneous analog/digital I/O)?

Can someone clarify this to me....:headbang:
I sold a firepod for a profire..The profire is like the firepod to the next level.. much better bulid quality, adat inputs , dsp mixer true line inputs that bypass the preamp volumes...

I liked my pod but this thing just seems better all around..the sound is on par with my RME hammerfall rig..much better than my firepod..

One of the m-audio guys was on gearslutz and said it was there most current and best sounding design.. completely different than the older stuff..

i've heard that the line inputs are just padded down preamps, so the color (if there really is any) is transmitted through?


in reading those gearslutz threads, I'm not sure this is true, they are saying the pres ARE bypassed...I've heard both now.
The profire2626 seems like a good buy. Now im starting to wonder if I should give a try. I currently have a firepod too, but maybe its time to upgrade.

Sorry to sound like a F*ucking noob but if i plan to buy an analog mixer( probably an Old allen and heath) maybe to monitor or to use some analog EQ... would i be able to use the 8 pres in this unit along the pres of the console such as i can have more inputs( i read it has 26 x 26 simultaneous analog/digital I/O)?

Can someone clarify this to me....:headbang:

As long as the board has a way to get into the 2626 (i.e. adat i/o or spdif - but that's only 2 channel) I'd think so, otherwise, no.
Interesting. I'm very happy with my Firepod (upgraded to FP10 firmware) and the quality of the pres/converters is much better than any interface anywhere near its price range that I've tried or owned.

Seems as though the best interface at any price is the RME FireFace 800. I've heard shootouts where it beat even Apogee converter boxes. I guess I just have a hard time trusting M-Audio after I've seen how horrible their drivers are, how cheaply made their interfaces are, etc. I don't doubt that the Profire 2626 is a step up - since it would be hard for them to step down - but I'm not going to risk my money on M-Audio interfaces ever again after my incredibly lame experiences with the ProjectMix I/O.
I've got a Firepod and FP10 running together, and I notice the Firepod runs with lower latency than the FP10 at all the same settings. I don't notice a difference in sound, though.

I don't know what to do...For the price I'd get selling both Firepods, I'd only be able to buy 1 Profire, so it'd have to be worth losing 8 mic inputs!