Presonus FP10 -> M-audio Profire 2626?

I've got a Firepod and FP10 running together, and I notice the Firepod runs with lower latency than the FP10 at all the same settings. I don't notice a difference in sound, though.

I don't know what to do...For the price I'd get selling both Firepods, I'd only be able to buy 1 Profire, so it'd have to be worth losing 8 mic inputs!

Well, the 2626 sells for 394e at, and I got 280e for selling my Firepod. Add an ADA8000 to that (160e) and the total price is about 560e, which you could get from selling the Firepods :)
I bought the profire for 394 and an Octopre Le + adat expansion card for 350€ from dv247.....very good deal.
And they work great! This weekend I'll record some drums
For you dudes who have had a Firepod and swtiched to a Profire, did you notice any difference in tracking with the DSP mixer vs. using the standard mix knob (playback/inputs) on the Firepod...The DSP mixer has me worried about latency. Should I not be worried?

I don't think I should, but the options for the Profire and sound routing are sooo different, numerous, and cool. But I don't want the ease of tracking and all that to change.

I'm not going to have to line up takes or anything will I? (I use Nuendo, BTW).