Presonus Studio One Artist $20.11 in honor of this years NAMM


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
For those interested - Presonus is offering a deal during this years NAMM on the purchase of Studio One Artists (NO Audio Unit, VST 2, VST 3.1, and ReWire support unless upgraded to PRO). Still a great deal as the upgrade pricing is pretty low making it $220 for the full version. I might dive in, but probably going to stick with Sonar but then again I'll pay $20 for just about anything if I want to give it a go.

We've gone utterly crazy, and we want you to take advantage of it! PreSonus is celebrating the 2011 NAMM show by offering an absolutely insane deal on Studio One Artist. During the NAMM show, between January 13 and January 16, 2011, you can purchase a download version of Studio One Artist for only $20.11 USD. That's 90% off the regular price!

Furthermore, you can upgrade to Studio One Pro at any time for only $199, adding VST 2.4, VST 3, AU, and ReWire support; mastering; digital distribution; video support; and a huge collection of additional loop and sample content. Start with Studio One Artist and end up with a complete professional production solution for an unbeatable price of $220!

Users tell us they are more creative and productive with Studio One than with any other DAW--and they have more fun doing it! The reasons are simple: Studio One lets you work faster, more creatively, and more effortlessly, with great-sounding results. And thanks to a steady stream of free updates, Studio One is getting better all the time! And if you buy between January 13 and January 16, you can get it for a mind-blowing price that will have you grinning from ear to ear.
Watch the pricing as some on another forum have noted it may not be in effect till the 13th. Buyer beware!!!!

It just worked for me paying with PayPal, but I know on another forum someone said UK pricing was wrong when they tried.
Everything worked for me - received my download email with registration key in seconds. Registered and have the download page up now.
digital money flows away so quickly. fascinating ...


bought it too ;)
EDIT: saw ahjteam post after mine and hate myself now

I posted NO VST... support right at the top on my original post.

For those interested - Presonus is offering a deal during this years NAMM on the purchase of Studio One Artists (NO Audio Unit, VST 2, VST 3.1, and ReWire support unless upgraded to PRO)

I'm going to bold it for future views. sorry I did not in the first place. :(
I was puzzled by the "No VST 2.4 support" thing, I only learned like last week that the ones we usually use are 2.4. Would have thought they're VST 1 or something.
$20? Hmm not sure if it will be a waste of money or not. No third party plugins. I know Cubase inside out. Hmm I got a couple of days to decide. Either I buy it or a couple sets of strings.
Downloaded the demo to try it out. Amazing software!
I guess I'll be migrating from cubase to Studio One Pro next couple of days, so this will be a good buy (even though I like the cubase midi drum programming better).
I stopped by the Presonus booth at NAMM on Thursday to watch a demo presentation of Studio One. A guy said they were doing a lottery prize giveaway. He called out product names that were printed on the seats, and some guy next to me was on the lucky seat and walked away with freaking Studio One Pro! I was seriously bummed that it wasn't me. On my way leaving the show I stopped back by to watch another demo, and walked away with Studio One Pro baby! :cool: