
Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
Die bitch die!!!!!
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Anyone into them? I've been listening to them a lot lately and really getting into them. There is no other band that sounds like them, and I can't seem to categorize them in terms of genre. They play an interesting mixture of black metal and doom metal, with black metal vocals and clean vocals. Their music is very atmospheric, and extremely dark without being brutal or especially heavy. Great band.
I think Storm Before Calm is most definitely a step down from Spirit the Earth Aflame, which I thought was the best release of 2001. A Journeys End is better as well.

Primordial play Pagan Metal, which like you said, is a mixture of black and doom with some Celtic influence.

Look for the Void of SIlence album, where Alan, Primordial's singer, will be doing vocals.

If you like Primordial, it is guaranteed you'll like Geasa. Try them out. You won't be disappointed.
Dreamlord said:
I think Storm Before Calm is most definitely a step down from Spirit the Earth Aflame, which I thought was the best release of 2001. A Journeys End is better as well.

Primordial play Pagan Metal, which like you said, is a mixture of black and doom with some Celtic influence.

Look for the Void of SIlence album, where Alan, Primordial's singer, will be doing vocals.

If you like Primordial, it is guaranteed you'll like Geasa. Try them out. You won't be disappointed.
Alan didn't leave Primordial to join Void Of Silence, did he? I'm definitely looking forward to the next Primordial CD.
I've heard very little. They are the only metal badn I'm from Ireland that I know of off the top of my head. Been meaning to check them out after I saw an interview with the singer on a documentary I have, they look pretty cool.