Prior Park pics

Shit that purple is quite hard to pick out. I must be going colourblind.

Nice work. I wouldn't have done all the brush retouching myself, but that's because I'm lazy.
Ren's Detailed Hands said:
if you failures are attempting to use photoshop, at least clue me in as to what the pic is supposed to represent so i can properly own every single one of you in a rather embarassing fashion that would send all of your fat disgusting mothers to an early grave

Don't you own Morningrise?
Ren's Detailed Hands said:
if you failures are attempting to use photoshop, at least clue me in as to what the pic is supposed to represent so i can properly own every single one of you in a rather embarassing fashion that would send all of your fat disgusting mothers to an early grave

It's not supposed to represent anything. The color scheme is just supposed to resemble the album cover sort of. I don't know, I should just end it all and kill myself. Sounds like a deal to me.
I second that some of these sigs are confusing.

I would love to see if anyone could find and take pictures of the MAYH cover. :D
Very cool pics, ironically I'm going to Wilton tommorow to takes pics of the the bridge