Pro Tools 8 ? ?


Noisey B*****d
Dec 5, 2005
Hey guys hows PT8 these days, are all of the bugs and stuff sorted now? Im still a little nervous about upgrading from 7.4. Cheers
Apparently, Pro Tools 8 has some difficulties when is used with M-Audio hardware. I run PT8 with a Digi 003+Rack, and works flawlessly!
No problems for me. You need to keep in mind that users that are having problems are going to make the most posts on their experience. I'm not going to post "yep, another bug free day for me". The squeaky wheel get them most grease.
couple of beat detective issues and waveform overview issues... but much better.
have they sorted out the painfully slow loading for doing tab to transient/cuts while editing groups? This was unbearably slow when editing drums for me, so i had to go back to 7.4. If they have sorted this out, i'm ALL about going back to 8 again. I actually loved 8 other than that little issue(well that and the slow side scrolling, which ive heard they fixed)
does anyone else have this problem?

Also, can anyone confirm whether or not pro tools still has slowness issues when cutting/tabbing to transient when you have 5 or more tracks grouped together? I really would like to go back to 8, and will if this is no longer an issue

There are several things that can affect this.

drive speed, amount of fragmentation, the "separate region applies to all related takes" preference, the amount of regions in the region list, how recently you've trashed databases.

By the end of a song after editing it can still be slow (it's just a fuck ton of data to keep track of), but if it's a clean session you're seeing the delay it will be one of the above suggestions.
Definitelly, everyone says that defrag on mac is useless, but I tried to run defrag on my external Lacie (sessions, samples, etc... are there) and I reduced the cpu% usage during my mixes and some crashes caused by some peaks on the hd usage (sometimes cpu peaks are caused by the slow hd).