Pro Tools 9 Potential Group Buy $199

^ usually an Edu version is not eligeble for upgrades/updates. the presumption is that you'll buy, say, Pro Tools 9 Edu while in school and by the time you graduate you'll be buying version 10 at full price. plus the license usually stipulates that the user of the license must actually be in a legitimate School to qualify.
whether one would ever get caught for using an Edu version while they're not at school is up for debate.
I cancelled my order due to the delay in getting the license. I ended up buying it directly through avid and got the license instantly.
I (finally) got an email to download the install!
Servers seem to be busy (near null speed dowload), I let it run during the night, I will see tomorrow...
got my license today, finally :)
+1 :headbang:
Has anyone received their box version yet? Studica just updated their site and has it as backordered until late December. Fucking lame.
That sucks man.. I would have had a 30-days trial license I wanted to pass to someone interested, but for one thing you'd have to pay $25 and secondly it just got deleted/replaced. :erk: