Pro tools Question


carvin usa
Aug 1, 2006
Boston / Los Angeles
Excuse my retarded PT questions (ive been using sonar for 5 years)..

What's the basic way to get a crossfade going on in PT?

I tried getting 2 pieces of audio together and applying the fade but the fade "in" starts when the previous one fades "out" I can't get both of the regions to overlap. Say I drag region 2 over 1 a bit, 1 will accomodate "2" and remove the audio from under 1.

I'm just to the ease of editing in sonar and chopping up tonss of stuff.

Thanks in advance, and sorry everything is all jibberish (i'm in a hurry)


EDIT: or say you have a fade going on and then you realize that region "2" should be nudged a little to the right because it comes in too early. Once I move the region the fade will disappear. Is there a way for it to just update the fade rather that having to start over?

Thanks Guys!