Pro Tools session error. Please help!


Apr 11, 2006
I am halfway through mixing a song on PTLE 8 on my system described below.. I had a small tour over the weekend so last worked on this song Weds or Thurs last week, went to the studio yesterday to open it and for some reason, everything would load normally up until where it would get to the very final stage of loading the session (from memory possibly something about track overview or something??), where it would freeze...

I tried restarting Pro Tools software, hardware, computer, etc.. to no avail.

I am able to open up other sessions just fine but for some reason when it gets to this final stage of loading my session it freezes, I dont know why! Anyone had any issues with this problem before? Its really really fucking me off cos I want to get these couple of tracks finished asap.

Yes I know a lot of you will be all 'BACK UP', and I know I fucked that one up, but my last backup was after drum tracks and guitar tracks were put down, pre editing, mixing, etc.. Slack, yes. Shitty excuse but my session is currently sitting at around 6GB and I have a mere 2.5 GB free space on my HDD..

Ive also chucked up the mix as it stands in the Rate My Mix section, feel free to check it out and comment it, it may have to suffice as it is if I cant get this fucking session opened!
try loading up one of your most recent session backups from your "Session File Backup" folder in the master session folder. You may have had a corrupt save the last time you open and closed it so see if the most recent backup works. If it does, close it and then try again with the one thats giving you a problem.

Also, I'm not suggesting anything here, just posing the question. Do you have any cracked plugins in the current session that is giving you a problem? Because that could be a cause as well. Maybe something you added to it recently. If you did, try uninstalling that 1st and then try opening your session ... see what happens from there

Only other thing would be the PT preferences folder ... trash that but save that for last

EDIT: hahaha just like The FU Guy said :D
Pro Tools used to do this on my old PT7 rig sometimes. How long are you leaving it once the track overviews bit comes up? Sometimes if you have a large session with alot of audio files and alot of cuts and fades it can take a while to load.

I did find that normally you can click cancel (2-3 times in quick succession) when it's trying to load overviews and it'll open the session anyway.
Ah cool guys, thanks for all the suggestions. Ill be heading around to the studio today and will check it out.

I dont think it could be anything to do with new software / plugins considering I havent added any new plug-ins recently..

Ill let everyone know how I get along, thanks again for all the suggestions
Have you tried opening the session with all plugins disabled? PT8 has this feature: Hold shift key down when selecting "open session"
I had some problems of this nature back when I used cubase SX3. I could't open sessions, and what I did was create a new session and try to import everything the same way, and ultimately, create manual backups in the windows explorer...