Pro Tools Weird bug

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Been using Pt 7.4 for a couple of months and just got my first problem during band recording session, yeah!

We recorded for maybe an hour and everything was fine. Then one track was recording, and suddenly all the faders are freezed and nothing is moving in my screen, even if the audio still plays, and I can still press spacebar to play/stop. If I open my task manager, it shows me that the file I just recorded is trying to synchronize. If I save and reload the session, I can't open it and it tells me that this session have been created on a previous version of Pro tools... wtf...

I tried to work on another drive and I still get the same problem.

I'm running PT 7.4 on Win XP 32 bits with a profire 2626.

Help? :waah: