prob questions pt 2!


Apr 20, 2001
hmm! I got other 10 questions for you, considered the media and books...

1.Which newspapers do you read most often and what they are about?

2.Which mags do you read most often and what they are about?

3.Which was the most interesting book you've read this summer?

4.Which was your most fave book generaly?

5.what kind of books do you usually read?

6.which was your fave lymeric or poetry book?

7.which was your fave cartoon heroes?(not in TV but in comics) you watch the news on TV? which part of it if yes?

9.Fave TV series?

10.Fave radio emission?
1.eleutherotypia, to vima, kathimerini
They are greek political newspapers
I read sometimes "le monde diplomatique" it's greek edition as well

2.Metal Hammer
GEO (a georaphical mag)
9 ( a mag about comics)
Epsilon (you could say that a lifestyle mag)

3."Economics" by samuelson and Nordhaus heh! The 16th international edition.

4."In the days of the Bulgarian slayer" by Penelopie Delta

5.mainly stories and novels. Books that have to do mostly with psychology, history, politics...

6. "Thoughts on... being at peace!"

7.Donald Mc duck and Mama raver(a greek comic)

8. yes but rarely as it has turned out to be a "reality show" I'm trying to watch mainly the news that have to do with political problems hare and international political news.

9.It used to be TVwar a HM TV programme, AMAN (a satyrical emission) "The PRIZA show"(a "sarcastic" heh emission) or various documentaries if I'm in mood...
Bah! Nothing else and even those rarely! TV is crap.

10.None in particular, but all those that play good metal and greek rock....
1-) Hürriyet.
2-)I don't read any mags.
3-)I didn't have time to read a book this summer.Because I work so hard this summer from 08 to 21 everyday on the Olympic Stadium Site.
4-)All Dragonlance Series
5-)I read science fiction and FRP books.
6-)I hate poets so I can't say anything about it.
7-) X-men,Spider Man
8-) Not everytime.I check the first ten minutes if I watch them.
9-) At the moment none because I don't watch TV very much.
10-) Ankarali Turgut Radio 92.8 FM
1.Which newspapers do you read most often and what they are about? if i do, then:
"financieel economische tijd", about money

2.Which mags do you read most often and what they are about?
"der spiegel", german, about general stuff
"eos", dutch, about scientific stuff

3.Which was the most interesting book you've read this summer?
the history of england : just to find out how come people like tcall exist

4.Which was your most fave book generaly?
arthur, the once and future king by T H White

5.what kind of books do you usually read?
poetry and non-fiction
schoolbooks as well

6.which was your fave lymeric or poetry book?
John Keats, collected poems

7.which was your fave cartoon heroes?(not in TV but in comics)
Thorgall you watch the news on TV? which part of it if yes?
if yes, then first ten minutes

9.Fave TV series?
star trek, but that is basically the only series I do watch ( at least when I'm at home)

10.Fave radio emission?
the part every day between 07h00 and 07h29

:loco: :loco:
1.Which newspapers do you read most often and what they are about?
Sometimes Estadão (local São Paulo newspaper) and they talk about everything here and in the world

2.Which mags do you read most often and what they are about?
Galileu (Science mag)

3.Which was the most interesting book you've read this summer?
Dunno... I've been only reading books about pregnancy ;)

4.Which was your most fave book generaly?
The trilogy of Lord of the Rings

5.what kind of books do you usually read?
Any book that has a good story ;)

6.which was your fave lymeric or poetry book?
I don't like poetry that much

7.which was your fave cartoon heroes?(not in TV but in comics)
Can it be Bugs Bunny?!?!?!?! ;) you watch the news on TV? which part of it if yes?
Yes, and i watch everything

9.Fave TV series?
X Files

10.Fave radio emission?
I don't listen to radio
1.Which newspapers do you read most often and what they are about?

Iltasanomat & occasionally Iltalehti. They're evening papers.

2.Which mags do you read most often and what they are about?

Mikrobitti (computers), Tiede (science in general), Suomen kuvalehti (like Newsweek).

3.Which was the most interesting book you've read this summer?

Hitchhiker's guide to galaxy, pt 1.

4.Which was your most fave book generaly?

Lord of the Rings.

5.what kind of books do you usually read?

Fantasy, sci-fi.

6.which was your fave lymeric or poetry book?

Haven't read any.

7.which was your fave cartoon heroes?(not in TV but in comics)

HE-MAN! And many others, I read a LOT of comics. you watch the news on TV? which part of it if yes?

Yes, usually whole news.

9.Fave TV series?

Auf Wiedersehen, Pet. Oh, and Babylon 5, Drew Carey Show, Raid, and lots of others.

10.Fave radio emission?

Metalliliitto (Metal Union), Alivaltiosihteeri, Pietarinkadun Oilers Go Go Go.
1.Which newspapers do you read most often and what they are about?
Magyar Hírlap, political paper, but i rarely ever have the time to actually read the pages about politics. :waah: Most of the time I ust read the sports pages :s

2.Which mags do you read most often and what they are about?
Metal Hammer, it's about different types of hammers.

3.Which was the most interesting book you've read this summer?
I re-read Stendhal's "Le rouge et le noir" after a couple of years, and i liked it a lot.

4.Which was your most fave book generaly?
"Svejk" by the Czech Jaroslav Hasek.

5.what kind of books do you usually read?

6.which was your fave lymeric or poetry book?
I think it was one by Dezsõ Kosztolányi.

7.which was your fave cartoon heroes?(not in TV but in comics)
He-Man :lol: you watch the news on TV?
when i have the time yes.

9.Fave TV series?
Black Adder :tickled:
The Simpsons :loco:

10.Fave radio emission?
I never listen to radio.
1.Which newspapers do you read most often and what they are about?

The only newspapers I read are those free ones they distribute in subways (such as "Metro"; we also have another Finnish one called "100"). Other newspapers have all the same news but much more bullshit. :)

2.Which mags do you read most often and what they are about?

The two magazines I read are both about science. The other one is called "Stars and Space" (literally translated from the Finnish title) and the other (Tieteen Kuvalehti) could translate as "Pictorial Science", which is published in all Scandinavia. It's about popular science, includes all kind of news from different areas.

3.Which was the most interesting book you've read this summer?

Hmm, I read quite a few books, but the most insteresting one was the uncut version of Stephen King's "The Stand".

4.Which was your most fave book generaly?
The Dragonlance Chronicles was, and still is by far my favourite book. Actually I should say my favourite story, since it's divided in three smaller books.

5.what kind of books do you usually read?
95 per cent of the books I read are sci-fi and fantasy.

6.which was your fave lymeric or poetry book?
Uhm, I really can't say, 'cause I haven't read any.

7.which was your fave cartoon heroes?(not in TV but in comics)
Donald Duck. The Marvel comics I've always considered way chaotic, and I'm pretty convinced Mickey Mouse is gay. I always skip the Mickey Mouse strips. ;) you watch the news on TV? which part of it if yes?
Yes I watch the news if the telly happens to be on during the broadcast. I don't specifically tune for news. I watch 'em all, sports apart.

9.Fave TV series?
Australian scifi series called "Farscape".

10.Fave radio emission?
None really, I don't listen to radio much. While driving I usually listen to cassettes. If not, then the Finnish rock'n'roll station "Radio Mafia". ;)