Probably my best mix from the most unlikely material


Studio Scapegoat
Feb 13, 2007
Nottingham, UK
This is a mix that by rights should have turned out sounding like utter shit. It's just one of a few songs that my band threw down in our rehearsal space one night accompanied by beer, whiskey and pizza so the playing pretty sloppy as we only really wanted to get some demos of newer songs

It was recorded to an iMac via an Edirol FA-101 interface. The mixer I used for mic preamps was a godawful Samson thing that we used to run our practice PA rig on. In practices it sounds pretty bad. Noisy, fuck all headroom and generally cheap shit so I wasn't expecting great things. I patched it into the interface via the insert points. Guitars were using old strings, my bass strings in particular were completly fucked and long overdue for replacement. The drumkit was a chopshopped Pearl Session that our drummer picked up for cheap due to the amount of physical abuse it had been subjected to. The heads were old and a bit knackered (and covered in glue where the previous owner had glued on the dampening rings).

Just about the best thing we had going for us was some good mics. We used Audix D6/D2/D3's on the drums, some Beyerdynamic condensors on overheads and a Heil PR40 on the guitars. I also took a DI signal via a Redeye box for the guitars just in case. We cut all 4 songs with one guitar playing live with the drums. No isolation, cab cranked and right next to the kit. We tracked the overdubs with the playback blaring through the PA.

Here's a video montage I made during the main tracking, with some rough mix audio:

And here's the final result. No samples were used on the drums at all. The guitars I ran through the LePou LecTo plugin, with some of the original signal thown in here and there for flavour.

Judge for yourself! (No vocals yet incidentally as pinning our vocalist down is like wrestling mist these days...)
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That setup reminds me of the one i play almost every day in... except that we have isolation :p haha sounds awesome for that setup man, any edits on the drums? i thought it was going to sound horrible honestly but it's good stuff definately, lecto is a fucking beast, loving this :kickass:
That setup reminds me of the one i play almost every day in... except that we have isolation :p haha sounds awesome for that setup man, any edits on the drums? i thought it was going to sound horrible honestly but it's good stuff definately, lecto is a fucking beast, loving this :kickass:

No edits on this song, on another I copy&pasted some blastbeat sections that were out of time as we don't really play it very often. Lecto is indeed an awesome sounding Plugin. Amazing to think how far amp emulation has come in the last few years.
actually like the snare a lot on the video. not so much in the actual mix.
that snare should be perfect for hardcore / punky stuff. nice. sample it for your next sessions ;-) !