Probably the 100th post on death metal..

But.. recently I've been wanting to get into some new more brutal death bands. Currently I listen to Nile, Suffocation, Decapitated, Cryptopsy, Skinless, Dying Fetus, etc etc. I looked up some past threads and got a bunch of new bands to check out but thought I might as well post a new thread. I'm not really too big into the melodic death. I'm mostly looking for some death more on the brutal side and like the bands I listed above. Any recommendations? Thanks..
Autopsy. The best death metal band of all time.

They are sleazy, repulsive, twisted and horrible. Everything a death metal band should be. No tuned down "testament" style riffs. No "precision". No "melody". Just hateful slimy child-molesting gore put to music.
Get the album "The Inexorable" by Angel Corpse. If brutal is what you're looking for, this is it. This is my absolute favorite brutal death metal album of all time.

Actually, I’m surprised at how no one mentions Angel Corpse when talking about brutal death metal. Whatever, I guess.

You might want to check out Hate Eternal, Internicine, and Aeternus as well.
Mental Funeral by Autopsy is a strange and slithering beast.
Guitar riffs that some times sound like he is tuning up evolve into a doom laden sludge from which there is no escape.
There are no chops on an Autopsy album just a brooding pulsating feeling of doom and gore. Even a comparison to Obituray is somewhat off the mark. They never had that grinding feel of the Tardy's.
I don't know quite what the whole point was but it is ultimately disturbing. And hey for death metal that is the art.
There are some genuinely bizzare musical moments on Mental Funeral, I can only say beware the madness from one of America's most curious progenitors of death metal.

Coroner seems to lie in that space between death metal and prog-death/thrash but anything from No More Colour on, is in a word brilliant.
I cannot recommend this underated band enough.
Cephalic Carnage
Misery Index (former members of Dying Fetus)
The Black Dahalia Murder
Cunt Grinder (sounds similar to Dying Fetus)
Coffin Texts
Pig Destroyer (grindcore, but they are rather brutal)
Extreme Noise Terror (the Being and Nothing album)
I second Vital Remains - Dechristianize. not really a 'brutal' production, but intensely fast and awesome flairs of melody

Krisiun are a totally awesome band. They're weird; their music is actually quite repetitive and their drummer never stops blasting, but they're one of the most intense bands around at the moment. Mental Horror are stylistically very similar, and Nephasth are a more dynamic, clever approach to the brazilian blasting. Myrkskog are quite similar to the brazilians too, despite being norwegian.

Necrophagist of course. Solos are utterly godly. Another very technical, gore-obsessed and utterly unique-sounding death band is Broken Hope (rip). Of course, you need to check out Gorguts too if you don't already know them.

Immolation are awesome. they kinda remind me of a brutality-injected hybrid of morbid angel and meshuggah. not sure why =)

I WON'T second Vader, cuz in my view decapitated are playing a very similar style but do it much better anyway.

A couple other technical bands somewhat like vader and decapitated you might like are Iniquity and Psycroptic (they get mentioned here a lot by someone....)

Avulsed, Neuraxis and Debodified are very heavy bands, but with awesome rhythm sections and excellent melodic flairs and catchy riffing (that don't compromise the brutality)

For the short, brutal noise blasts, Pig Destroyer are good, Cephalic Carnage, Birdflesh, Intense Hammer Rage, Gorgasm. Circle Of Dead Children and Foetopsy especially though.

For the slightly thicker, meatier death/grind i'd definately reccommend Commit Suicide, Siksakubur, (this band's drummer smokes Flo of Cryptopsy), Alienation Mental, Abuse, Devourment, Exhumed, mexican Disgorge, and especially Sepsism. All these bands are heavy as hell.

and then there's american Disgorge and Enmity; about the most insanely brutal you can possibly get.
Ok, since i see that the thread is allowing grindcore, here we go:
Pig Destroyer - Quite disturbing, serial killer soundtracks...excellent music
Ghoul - Comical grind.
Anal Blast - Porno-grind (funny stuff)
Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Makes Pig Destroyer sound like a Barry White cover band, has the most disturbing lyrics I have ever come across, my current obsession.