Problem w/ EMU 0404 and ADA8000

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
I'm trying to add 8 inputs (behringer ADA8000) via lightpipe to my EMU 0404 card on my studio computer and it's not working, despite several hours of failed attempts plus about a half pack of cigarettes. I tried it through both Cubasis and Nuendo 2 with no success.

The ADA8000 worked fine with my home computer (PTLE digi 001), just plugged in and bang, it worked. I'm guessing that the problem is with the Patchmix DSP program. I set it up to the "Digital in/out" template but had no luck. No signal can be received via spdif.

I'm about to go look all over online to get answers, but in the meantime does anyone here have any help for me?
I may be wrong but emu 404 doesn't have 8 Digital channels input... ??? Has it?
Maybe I'm confused. It's got an optical in/out as well as SPDIF. But, according to the manual, in order to use the optical, you need to select the SPDIF option then select "optical". I assume that means you can grab 8 external inputs. I'm in email correspondance with customer service right now, hopefully they'll get it.
It's nothing customer service will be able to fix, it doesn't have 8 digital ins thru lightpipe, it has SPDIF which is 2....
The reason it has both coax and lightpipe is for flexibility reasons i guess, maybe you can even use both at once, i don't know...
Genius Gone Insane said:
Problem solved--putting 0404 up for sale b/c I got the 1212m for $150 new. yes, folks, new, man what a steal.

You jerk. That's 50 bucks less than I paid :p