Problem with Profire 610


Anssi Tenhunen
Okay, I have a super-weird problem with M-Audio Profire 610 and headphones. For some reason I hear everything in mono. To be precice, the left channel. The problem is not program dependent; It happens on Cubase, ProTools, iTunes, Audacity, Preview and VLC. I can hear from both headphone outputs and from both ears, but I don't hear anything that is really panned to the right in program or in the M-Audio Mixer. I tried out the headphones with the minijack output on the mac and in there the stereo sound is correct, so the headphones are not broken. There might be something wrong with the minijack to 1/4" jack adapter, but I have check it when I can.

I tried to adjust the depth of the jack and at some point there was a sound from the right panned stuff but when inserted correct, only the stuff that is coming from the left. I haven't tried out with main outs as I won't be using them.
yeah def post a screen shot. Maybe the headphone jacks are just shit, my 2nd headphone jack stopped working about a month after i got mine