Processing raw drums for the first time


Jan 13, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
Hey guys

Im just having my first go at mixing raw drums for a mates band, and have been using Ermz's thread so far(which is brilliant thank you very much!).

I'm here so far: Test.mp3

EDIT: Improved version (i think lol) Test 2.mp3

I realise its hard to comment to much without the guitars and bass, but the band is still tracking the final stages of that at the moment.

Does anyone have any suggestions / really obvious mistakes that i have made?



PS: Merry Xmas
Sounds like the drum track is in mono... Either you accidentally exported in mono, or you haven't panned anything left or right. If it's the latter, then you need to start doing that (either by drummer's perspective or audience perspective). This should make your mix sound a lot better and clearer.

In the beginning, when the tom is being hit, it sounds like there's quite a bit of ringing. You might want to control that with either a gate, some multiband compression, or some automation.

Other than that, there isn't a ton anyone could really suggest without hearing the bass and guitars. That will really determine whether or not everything will be able to cut through the mix.