Production In Black Metal

I agree with the budget thing. Many bands dont have the money to make perfect sounding stuff but I think that if a band feels that they need to have bad production to make a good doesnt sound to good to me. A good band should be able to do that themselves.

Jimmy, you're stuff is awesome btw. I'm pretty sure I've seen you guys a couple times.

Well thanks for the kind words.
Darkthrone are great with the raw production!
Darkthrone would be crap with a clean production!

Dimmu Borgir are great with a clean production!
Dimmu Borgir would be crap with a raw production!*

You can´t juust say that a crap production makes a crap song...

*Today, that is. The production on their first 2 albums wasn´t really that great, but it worked.
Dimmu Borgir would be crap with a raw production!*
*Today, that is. The production on their first 2 albums wasn´t really that great, but it worked.

First 2 albums are really the only ones that are decent imo. Re-recording of Stormblast was just for money, It wasn't terrible, but I prefer the originial.
First 2 albums are really the only ones that are decent imo. Re-recording of Stormblast was just for money, It wasn't terrible, but I prefer the originial.

Stormblast #2 is really horrible. "Don´t fix it, if it ain´t broken!"
For All Tid and Stormblast are great. All I´m saying is, I don´t think they would´ve worked with a good (or better) production. That would´ve cost them alot of the atmosphere and eh, 'charm'...
i enjoy black metal but am a stickler when it comes to production. if something is just so raw that u cant tell when the drum beats occur or what riffs are being played then i am instantly turned off.

its a shame too, some of the best music is on raw bm records.
As has been said previously, i think it depends on the situation. The production is just another artistic touch to the music. Sometimes "bad" production works and adds a certain atmosphere, and sometimes it just makes the music indecipherable and un-listenable...