Prog nation tour Boston gig role call

oh, and parking over there is a pain... the part street station is right across the street--park someplace else along the green line--there's lots of parking on beacon street in brookline just past kenmore heading outbound...
The last trains leave around midnight I believe. I too might be leaving right after Opeth but either way actually catching a train shouldn't be a problem.
I just got back... left like halfway through Dream Theater.

The concert was great, I thought.

3 really impressed me, Joey Eppard was tearing it up.

BTBAM was alright, though I don't think it was anything special.

I fucking loved Opeth, especially the last 4 songs (setlist was- Master's Apprentices, Baying of the Hounds, To Rid the Disease, Wreath, Heir Apparent, The Drapery Falls- I think that's in the right order).

Dream Theater disappointed me. Forsaken was good, but the opening... medley, I don't even know if that was all one song seemed to drag on forever, in my opinion. The solos didn't impress me too much

P.S. Did you guy see that Anonymous kid handing out those pamphlets?:rolleyes:
Haha, the anon guy was annoying. I was wondering why he was wearing a bandana but I took a pamphlet assuming it had something to do with the show we were about to enter... then I saw the word "scientology" and made the connection.

Wreath was amazing, as I expected it to be. Master's Apprentices was perfect for sort of announcing the presence of Opeth. Opening with it is like saying "HI GUYS! We're here. The show can begin now," because it's so loud and heavy at the intro.

Heir Apparent was good. Mike's intro of it was amusing, I haven't listened to or looked at the lyrics extensively but I am pretty sure the song isn't about flowers, the sun, and a nice day at the beach.

Baying of the Hounds live destroys the album version just because of the energy in the transitions into the LOUD parts of it. Same for The Drapery Falls, the energy at that show was unbelievable.
I have to say that The Drapery Falls sounded a bit sloppier and less well done at first... but when it got to the first chorus (is that technically the chorus? "pull me down again...") it got better. MUCH better.

I had to leave after about half an hour of DT, but from what I did hear they weren't that amazing. Opeth sounded better live than on the CD's, the performance added a rawness and heaviness that the songs didn't have before... but DT has always depended so heavily on extreme effects and processing on their albums that playing it live just doesn't work out that well. I really wish I'd been there for Forsaken as it's my favorite song by DT-- a band that I don't really like as much as Opeth (or a lot of other stuff) in general-- as an actual song probably would have been better than the confused medley thing they were in the middle of when I had to go, but overall Opeth made it all worthwhile plus some. And I also think Opeth is largely responsible for making DT unimpressive, they had an amazing performance.
This was my first Opeth experience, and they had the presence of kings on the stage. Everything about the set completely filled my hopes and blew away my expectations. It was almost surreal seeing the band performing the music I so deeply worship. I was proud to be part of such a positive crowd (completely seated venue, not a single person sitting), and had an outstanding view of the stage, 16th row in the exact middle of the stage. Wreath is absolutely brutal live, and Heir Apparent fucking slays.

Three put on a great jam session and I will definitely be checking them out.

BTBAM sounded great (to me) although their stage presence overall needs a ton of work, and I think they had by far the smallest following of those in attendance. For those familiar, they played Ants of the Sky and White Walls.

DT put on a terrific show and the crowd was very responsive, but ultimately I was there to see Opeth first and foremost, and there was really nothing they could do to recapture the energy I had during Opeth's set. For anybody curious, DT's set list was In the Presence of Enemies (pt. 1), Beyond This Life, Misunderstood, Forsaken, Erotomania, Voices, As I Am, Ministry of Lost Souls, and usual combination encore (I don't think I forgot anything).

Overall it was a golden experience.

question: Did Mike say something about returning to Boston in September? It was difficult to decipher his accent because the crowd was loud while he was talking.
Was it me or did it take half the set for them to really dial in the sound. Oh well, still great to see them live. I don't think he mentioned specifically coming to Boston in September. Frankly I hope if they do, it's at a different venue. Couldn't see very well from the balcony.
I guess I echo most everyone's thoughts so far.

3 was very impressive. BTBAM was not.

Opeth put on a decent show. Certainly not the best I've seen of them. I was disappointed that Still Life and MAYH were not represented in the setlist, but I know it's hard to fit everything into an hour. Besides, I was happy with the songs that were chosen.

Dream Theater was definitely below my expectations. This was my first time seeing them an I was really looking forward to it, but I don't think I'll bother seeing them again.

Overall, not too bad a show. Can't wait for the headline tour.
Still Life and MAYH could either have gotten a song in, but as that setlist was, Deliverance got two songs but even if one of those was switched to a song from an unrepresented album there simply was not enough time for them to perform everything.
Not to mention Orchid and Morningrise didn't get in there either.
I was there on the balcony. Great...Great show.

3 - I had very low expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised and will be checking them out. The jam they did near the end of their set was outstanding.

BTBAM - I am a huge fan of the Colors record. They where pretty dissapointing live. They didn't have the energy I though they would, they also come off noisy and messy live. Although their drummer is incredible.

Opeth - Wow. I had seen them @ the palladium in 05 and they where 10x better last night. The set was short but sweet. The opening with Masters Apprentices nearly gave me a heart attack, the Popul Vul ended playing and then BOOM massive sound. Everyone sounded great, especially Mikes vocals and Axes drumming. When the played "To Rid The Disease" the mood was so thick you could cut it, incredible.

Dream Theatre - Never been a huge fan outside of the Train Of Thought album. I was pretty disappointed in them live however. It is insane to expect James Labrie to come out there following Mike. His vocals are terrible live. The rest of the band played with the technical wizardry you would expect from them. They just paled in comparison to the mood Opeth set, they should have opened.
it would have been nice if opeth had been able to use dt's sound stuff... up in the balcony, dt was louder and cleaner sounding than opeth... dt was great--they're precious and proggy and technically masterful and therefore sometimes can leave you cold, but i was in the mood for some of that and enjoyed it immensely. but i am not sure i will see dt again if they are not playing with another band that i love.
Such a good night. I really liked BTB&M, they played Ants of the Sky and White Wall.

Opeth was incredible. Could have been a better set list but, meh. Sound was fine. Mike is a comic genius.
question: Did Mike say something about returning to Boston in September? It was difficult to decipher his accent because the crowd was loud while he was talking.

Good question. I couldn't hear Mike either, and I'd love to know the answer.

I wonder if they would come back to The Orpheum as headliners on their tour? I've never been to The Palladium, but from what I've heard, The Orpheum is an overall better venue. Plus it's much easier for me to get to The Orpheum rather than The Palladium:)