Prog Power Headliners

Amorphis is amazing. Too bad we couldn't have them for Powerfest.

We did definitely consider them...they just wouldn't draw enough for Pfest. Maybe once we get enough loyal attendants like PP, we could justify it then. Knowing the bodies will be there makes all the difference when picking bands!!
I remember either you or Chris saying that you discussed them but it didn't work out, for whatever reasons. That's what I meant by "too bad", as in "too bad it didn't work out"
On this forum Chris said they were unavailable to attend, and that is what he told me when I ran into him at the Amon Amarth gig a few weeks later.

Exactly. To think Amorphis couldn't outdraw a headliner like that is crazy. They would have been a great fit for Powerfest.


I agree with Bob and Britt.....
I don't mean to dis any previous Powerfest headliner..
But I would think Amorphis is a bigger draw.

I have only heard a few select Amorphis tracks online.
In all honesty, none of them have made me want to purchase a full-length.

It really doesn't matter what people think of them.
Just like Therion. They are a band that the majority of Prog Powers would hate otherwise, but will say they love them simply because they are on the bill.

The fest is indeed THAT powerful.
*ahemVolbeatahem* :)

Eh...not really. It's still a "safe" choice. Out of the box to me means a risk, and they're certainly not a risk considering the typical PP audience.

I remember either you or Chris saying that you discussed them but it didn't work out, for whatever reasons. That's what I meant by "too bad", as in "too bad it didn't work out"

Ah, OK. But either way, they would never work as a headliner for us. Saw them when they came through Chicago last time, & there was less than 100 ppl there.

I don't mean to dis any previous Powerfest headliner.. But I would think Amorphis is a bigger draw.

Sorry, I have to strongly disagree! The only headliner of ours last year that I would agree this is true is Lethal. Like Bob so nicely pointed out. ;) But no way Amorphis would draw more than either Solitude Aeturnus or Atheist! Refer to my comment about <100 at their last show...tour stop or not. AND...that was even with Into Eternity on their first tour of the states before they started touring every 3 months. ;) Both together still couldn't draw more than 100.

Although, as the LESSON we've finally learned, this is the dynamic for Powerfest! It certainly doesn't apply to PP...not for a few years now anyway, which is why it makes more sense for that fest.
Eh, who's even to say what draws and what doesn't anymore? There are SO many shows every month all over the place. 10 years ago, there would be little competition for a gig with an out of town (or even better yet an overseas) band. Now, there are plenty each month to choose from.

I am not an Amorphis fan, though I would say for their respective genre of death/doom (or whatever they are considered now), they are a household name. That was my point mostly I suppose.

Lethal was definitely Powerfest's major curveball.
That add had me running to Metal Archives faster than a speeding bullet!
Although, as the LESSON we've finally learned, this is the dynamic for Powerfest! It certainly doesn't apply to PP...not for a few years now anyway, which is why it makes more sense for that fest.

Yeah, definitely.
Though the Testament add should definitely provide the ability for some "take a chance" adds, I would think.

I am all in favor of festivals not being afraid to think outside the box, and book outside of what people would expect (IE - Amorphis for Progpower, Saturnus for Powerfest, etc...)
Ah, OK. But either way, they would never work as a headliner for us. Saw them when they came through Chicago last time, & there was less than 100 ppl there.

Would you consider them as a second or third-slot band for PF? Just curious.
Yeah, definitely.
Though the Testament add should definitely provide the ability for some "take a chance" adds, I would think.

IMO, although it is true you can ride on a really strong headliner, I believe the stronger the entire lineup the better.
That's one of the advantages that Prog Power has, the fest will draw regardless of who's headlining. Therefore they can take a chance on having an oddball band headline like Amorphis, now I'm not calling them oddball because I don't know them but rather because they are nowhere near Prog or Power metal.
Well, and what Glen is doing, is using this advantage to be able to open the doors and expand the potential pool of bands to choose from.

Though it would sound odd if someday a band like My Dying Bride headlined a fest called "Prog Power" :lol: