Prog Power Headliners

:lol: :lol: :lol:

If you want XP Pro, just let me know. No one should have to work with ME. :p

Trust me, it would be futile to try to upgrade anything on this beast. I do appreciate the offer though! :) I'm actually workin' on gettin' a hand me down from a friend. At least it's got XP on it and will let me do more than one thing at a time, LMAO! I got an MP3 player for X-mas and basically can do nothing with it because my PC is too old. :lol:
GateXII said:
Sorry, I have to strongly disagree! The only headliner of ours last year that I would agree this is true is Lethal. Like Bob so nicely pointed out. ;) But no way Amorphis would draw more than either Solitude Aeturnus or Atheist! Refer to my comment about <100 at their last show...tour stop or not. AND...that was even with Into Eternity on their first tour of the states before they started touring every 3 months. ;) Both together still couldn't draw more than 100.

Reall? I think Amorphis in 2008 has a bigger drawing power than they did a year or two ago. They aren't going to bring in thousands, but they'd easily bring way more than 100. I think their last couple albums have really put them on the map. However I don't think they'd be a band you would want to use as a primary draw, that's where they fit well into a progpower situation where the show will sell out regardless of them being there or not.

On another note since you mentioned it, am I the only one that does not get Volbeat. To me they sound like Load era Metallica with Danzig on vocals.
That's one of the advantages that Prog Power has, the fest will draw regardless of who's headlining. Therefore they can take a chance on having an oddball band headline like Amorphis, now I'm not calling them oddball because I don't know them but rather because they are nowhere near Prog or Power metal.

Such as Rage headlining progpower a few years back. The place really emptied out for them but my god did they kick some ass.
Such as Rage headlining progpower a few years back. The place really emptied out for them but my god did they kick some ass.

That was not entirely Rage's fault. Everygrey had an impromptu signing at the same time as Rage. From what I hear, there were a ton of people in line for Evergrey. I stayed and watched Rage put on an amazing show!
That was not entirely Rage's fault. Everygrey had an impromptu signing at the same time as Rage. From what I hear, there were a ton of people in line for Evergrey. I stayed and watched Rage put on an amazing show!

I wasn't blaming Rage for it, face it, they just don't have a fan base over here but because of their history they deserved to headline. Most people don't know them or don't care for them so they'd rather wait in line to meet Evergrey for probably the ten millionth time.
I get Volbeat, I just don't want to spend $25 dollars on a Rockabilly cd.

I know I'm gonna get a lot of crap for this but I happen to like that cd.

Volbeat will get a big reaction because people will think that they have to like them because they are playing ProgPower. If someone just posted some samples...most of those people would not even like them.

I dont get Volbeat either.
Volbeat will get a big reaction because people will think that they have to like them because they are playing ProgPower. If someone just posted some samples...most of those people would not even like them.

I dont get Volbeat either.
There is a sizable amount of Prog Power ass kisser types, but I think Glenn was made aware of bands like Volbeat, and Freak Kitchen by regular old prog power attendees and crew people.

I actually knew Volbeat's music before it was ever mentioned on the prog power forum. I downloaded their first album right when it hit the torrent sites, and thought it was pretty interesting stuff. I've since become more of a fan .. saw them live at Wacken this past year.

I guess what I'm saying is that if I liked em', and typical prog power fans and crew members liked them they at least had some appeal.

Yes...definitely. Direct support or just before depending on who else was playing.

But is their price really in the Powerfest-support-slot range? I figured the budget for the ProgPower headlining slots would be well above the Powerfest headlining slots, much less the support slots. Otherwise, I guess it just means that Glenn blew all his cash on Iced Earth, and had to go low-budget for the 2nd headliner.

I figured cost must have some role in a hypothetical Lethal-vs-Amorphis decision too...Amorphis might not draw less, but I could see their draw-per-dollar being less than Lethal's.

Some people missed RAGE to attend an EVERGREY autograph session?????
There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you Prog Power kids,.....that's all I have to say....
I know I'm gonna get a lot of crap for this but I happen to like that cd.

No crap from me. LOAD was a fine album
I bet dollars to donuts that people here who say the album sucks never even heard it aside from songs on the radio.

The same goes for the Black Album.
Unfortunately...the WORST songs on the album were selected for singles.
Some people missed RAGE to attend an EVERGREY autograph session?????
There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you Prog Power kids,.....that's all I have to say....
Yeah, I think Rage was a bit ticked. Tom Englund made an announcement from the stage that they were going to be doing a signing ... people started to head out ofter they set, and Rage was stuck with a half empty arena.

It wasn't all Evergrey's fault .. Rage was an under the radar band for most of the attendees. I had been following the scene for several years, but had only got into them the year prior to Prog Power. They back catalog was so big that I think people just didn't want to put the effort into it.

Another factor is that it's a grueling event ... 5 bands (6 now) .. one after another ... people are getting worn down by the time the headliners hit the stage.

Guess it's a matter of opinion.
I could not care less about autographs.
I have gotten them through the years on occasion.

Why would they have the signing session during another band's set? Seems pretty disrespectful, in all honesty.
I know I'm probably gonna get crap for this, but I have to say it anyway.....

My husband and I went to our first ProgPower last year.....we spent a TON of cash for the trip, hotel, tickets, and other various things....
Saying that, I, personally went to see two bands: Redemption and Vanden Plas. Got to see one....the other, well we all know what happened there.
Now this year Glen throws two bands out there that don't necessarily (IMO), meet the "prog power" requirements, one I really want to see (IE) and the other I have never heard of (Amorphis).

He writes in his post on "A brief note on the roster" thread:

"Yes, the standard progressive & power metal bands are my bread & butter. However, if you don't step outside the box just a bit & build some diversity, you will begin to stagnate. I cannot count on the same fans to attend over & over because they want to see the same bands or styles again & again. New fans are the lifeblood of this festival and taking chances will bring them in, hopefully to stay once they experience things."

The whole line that states he can't count on the same fans to attend over and over is utter seems, with the replies to the headliners, that most people have never heard of Amorphis, but will "hurry and go out and get the CD's so they can be ready when PPUSA comes around", were the same people who, in the past, have constantly said they were never going to listen to "growl type music" cause it just doesn't fit the "prog genre" they so love, and the fest they have come to know as "PROG power"....
Hubby and I went because we not only wanted to see the bands (he wanted to see way more bands last year than I did, so it was worth it to him), but to also see what all the hype was surrounding this fest, and why people were so eager to accept almost anything Glen said as "gospel".
Needless to say, we were not impressed, and no matter who plays, we won't be going anytime soon. We would love to see IE, but it's not worth the costs of travel, lodging, and other things, to hear that maybe...just maybe....the ONE band we want to see is going to pull out of the fest cause they got a better offer, or their back hurts or etc.
What I'm trying to say is that ProgPower just doesn't cut it for me....I'll stick with Powerfest.....the guys (Chris Rob and John)are way more fun, and the diversity of the music, much more appealing.

Slam me, agree with me.....don't care, I just had to say something about it....this is one topic I just couldn't sit back and "watch" unfold without my 2 cents.
Guess it's a matter of opinion.
I could not care less about autographs.
I have gotten them through the years on occasion.

Why would they have the signing session during another band's set? Seems pretty disrespectful, in all honesty.
That's kind of the way they have to do it at Prog Power, and other fests. There are no big breaks between bands, and I guess there isn't time before and after the event to do it.

As for autographs .. I'm not into it either. The last time I asked for an autograph was from DC Cooper, and it wasn't for me .. it was for a cousin of mine who reallu likes DC's work, but was unable to attend.

It used to be common place at Prog Power to see the Prog & Power nerds with their backpacks full of things for bands to sign. I swear at times it looked like a Star Trek convention.

I know I'm probably gonna get crap for this, but I have to say it anyway.....

Slam me, agree with me.....don't care, I just had to say something about it....this is one topic I just couldn't sit back and "watch" unfold without my 2 cents.

You're entitled to your opinion on the matter. I pretty much agree with you that Glenn is pretty much guarenteed a full house at this point in time. People like myself continue to go to the fest year after year no matter how much the roster appeals to them. I'm not sure that's the norm, but I would guess the vast majority of attendees have been to Prog Power events before, and are not fresh faces.

As for the VP thing .. yeah, that sucked. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often. I actually give the fest high marks for being able to deliver the bands promised. There's a lot that can go wrong with that whole process of bringing a band over from Europe.

Sorry you didn't Prog Power more.
